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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Primary sources. The most important texts, in the original
and in translation, are collected in the fundamental book
of A. O. Lovejoy and G. Boas, Primitivism and Related Ideas
in Antiquity
(Baltimore, 1935). Fragments, etc., are quoted
from the following standard collections: H. Diels, Die
Fragmente der Vorsokratiker
, 7th ed., ed. by W. Kranz,
referred to as Diels-Kranz (Berlin, 1954); T. Kock,
Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (Leipzig, 1880); É. Littré,
Oeuvres complètes d'Hippocrate (Paris, 1839); A. Nauck,
Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 2nd ed., (Leipzig, 1888);
A. C. Pearson, The Fragments of Sophocles (Cambridge,
1917); F. Wehrli, Dikaiarchos (Basel, 1944).

Secondary literature. J. Baillie, The Belief in Progress
(Oxford, 1950). J. B. Bury, The Idea of Progress (London,
1920). T. Cole, Democritus and the Sources of Greek An-
(A.P.A. Monograph 25, 1967). L. Edelstein, "The
Greco-Roman Concept of Scientific Progress," Ithaca (1962);
The Idea of Progress in Classical Antiquity (Baltimore, 1967).
B. Gatz, Weltalter, Goldene Ait und sinnverwandte Vorstel-
(Hildesheim, 1967). B. A. van Groningen, In the Grip
of the Past
(Leiden, 1953). G. Grossmann, Promethie und
(Heidelberg, 1970), 111-27. W. K. C. Guthrie, In
the Beginning
(London, 1957). R. Haussler, "Vom Ursprung
und Wandel des Lebensaltervergleichs," Hermes, 92 (1964),
313-41. E. A. Havelock, The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics
(London, 1957). A. Kleingünther, Ηρω̂τος Εὑρετής (Leipzig,
1933). F. Lämmli, Homo Faber (Basel, 1968). A. Momigliano,
"Time in Ancient Historiography," History and Theory,
Beiheft 6 (1966). K. Reinhardt, "Hekataios von Abdera und
Demokrit," Hermes, 47 (1912), 492-513; repr. Vermächtnis
der Antike
(Göttingen, 1960), pp. 114-32; Poseidonios(Mu-
nich, 1921). L. Robin, "Sur la conception épicuréenne du
progrès," Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 23 (1916),
697ff.; reprinted in La pensée hellénique (Paris, 1942), pp.
525-52. Jacqueline de Romilly, "Thucydide et l'idée de
progrès," Annali Pisa, 35 (1966). Wilhelm Schmid, Unter-
suchungen zum Gefesselten Prometheus
(Stuttgart, 1929).
E. E. Sikes, The Anthropology of the Greeks (London, 1914).
W. Spoerri, Späthellenistische Berichte über Welt, Kultur
und Götter
(Basel, 1959). E. N. Tigerstedt, "The Problem
of Progress in Literature in Classical Antiquity," in P.
Demetz, T. Greene, and L. Nelson, Jr., The Disciplines of
... (New Haven, 1968). W. von Uxkull-
Gyllenband, Griechische Kultur-Entstehungslehren (Berlin,
1924). R. Vischer, Das Einfache Leben (Göttingen, 1965).
Translations are by the author of the article.


[See also Astrology; Chance; Christianity; Cycles;
Epicureanism; Humanism; Myth; Nature; Necessity;
Platonism; Pre-Platonic Conceptions; Primitivism; Progress
in the Modern Era
; Pythagorean ...; Rationality; Utopia.]