University of Virginia Library


November 14 THE LOVE LIGHT

Whom having not seen, ye love.”—1 St. Pet. i. 8.

Faith lives and carries
Its own deathless light,
Into the dusk of sunless tombs and past;
And more than very sight,
At once it marries
Present to future and the first and last.
With faith I boldly travel,
If the rod
Yet sometimes falls on my poor erring road;
Still bathed in Heaven and God
I will unravel
The ray in gloom, the rest beneath the load.
God is my Haven,
When I toss afar
On the blind passions of besetting sins;
For then the Eden gates unbar,
And earth is paven
With flowers, and fair Eternity begins.
I never need to wander
From that hold,
Which (though with crosses) bears me to the crown;
For he must gather gold,
Whose heart is yonder
And has in trust laid worldly treasures down.