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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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From The Caledonian Mercury, August 2, 1736


“Saturday last the City Plate was won by a Horse of Sir James Cuningham of Milncraig's, against two English Horses, one of which was distanced at the very first Heat. On which Occasion we received the following Piece of Poetry.”

His majesty, Heaven guide His Grace,
Encourages each Year a Race
Upon Leith-sands; where, at Laigh Tide,
A Million may uncrowded ride:
And the Good Town , to mend the Play,
Maintains the Sport another Day.
The sprightly Lads from far and near
In their best Airs and Looks appear,
Dress'd in their easy Hunting Weeds,
Well mounted on their mettled Steeds;
While from the Chariot, or the Green,
A shining Circle charms our Een,
Whose ev'ry Glance emits a Dart
Whops whizzing thro' the stoutest Heart.
Ye Men of Rowth, ne'er hain your Treasure,
For any thing may give Them Pleasure,
And since they like to show their Faces
At Plays, Assemblies, and Horse-Races,
Support these Interviews of Love,
Which Men of clearest Heads approve,
Rather than waste your Wealth at Cards
Or blast your Health with drunken Lairds.
Ah, ne'er let manly Pastime dwine,
For sake of either Dice or Wine;
But keep a Groom can rightly nurse
The shapely Racer for the Course,
That, barring some unseen Mischance,
The Master's Honour may advance,


While loud o'er the extended Sands
The Crowd rejoice and clap their Hands.
Should we endure the taunting Tales
Of Hunters on Northumber's dales,
While o'er their Tankards of brown Stout,
They at our careless gentry flout—
“Come, Dick! says Harry, mount your Gray,
“I'll bett against you on my Bay:
“Let's down to Leith—we're sure to win,
“Where there's no better Nags to run.
“Of two rich Plates their Gazette tells,
“For which they keep no Horse themsells.
“Since we so cheap may gain each Cup,
“We'll e'en step down and bring them up.”
Well, this had been just now our Case,
Had not Sir James join'd in the Race,
Whose Bonny Lass of Livingston,
Defeat Cutlugs and Judy Brown.
Thanks to the Knight who props our Game.
O! may his Coursers ne'er prove lame,
But ever 'gainst the Day design'd
Be able to outfly the Wind
And every Year bring him a Prize
'Till Heaps on Heaps the Trophies rise.