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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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In colonial days, John Kelly, of Irish descent, came from Pennsylvania
to Washington county. His son Andrew was a farmer of Washington
county. James E. Kelly, son of Andrew, married Margaret,
daughter of William Buchanan, her mother Jean Keys, whose ancestors
came to America in the Mayflower. The subject of this sketch is a son
of James E. Kelly and his wife, Margaret, and was born January 18,
1838, near Kellys Chapel, Washington county.

He married in this county, near Abingdon, February 14, 1867, at
the residence of the bride's father, and her place of birth, Julia E.
Lowry. Their children are: Elizabeth Lowry, Margaret Buchanan,
Lowry Graham, Grace Bailie, James Montgomery, Julia Isabella, Robert
Wm. Also two infants died unnamed. Mrs. Kelly is a daughter of


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John M. Lowry, who was a son, of Robert Edmondson Lowry, of Washington
county. Her mother was Elizabeth, daughter of William
Graham, who was a son of John Graham of Washington county, and
who married Isabella Buchanan.

Wm. B. Kelly entered the Confederate army in June, 1861, Company
F., 37th Virginia regiment, and was wounded at Kernstown, March 23,
1862, while sergeant-major of his regiment. When able for duty he
was transferred to the quartermaster's department, where he served
until made prisoner at Sailors Creek, April 5, 1865. He was held at
Point Lookout until July following. He had one brother in service,
wounded at Kernstown also, and surrendered at Appomattox, where,
as orderly sergeant, he was in command of his regiment. A cousin of
Mr. Kelly died while a prisoner at Fort Delaware. Mr. Kelly is engaged
in farming, and also in the nursery business.