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June 2-8
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June 2-8

Do not go to church. Mary Lewis away until Wednesday working for the soldiers. News from the absent. A long sweet letter from brother Jabe. He seems very busy nursing his men through the Measles. Tells me something of his camp life, its lights and shades. The heroine of the Bouquet is there. I don't know her name. A note from Bob; he seems very well satisfied with a soldier's life. Tells me he has been in six miles of the Potomac. Both Dr. Lea and Bob say that a big fight is expected in the next few days and think it's time we were dealing some blows. The dear ones tell me it's all right but I must confess to a want of faith in the judgment of our leaders when we hear of these coward Yankees creeping into Virginia at so many points and so little effort made to keep them back. Capt. Taylor's company are not to leave Charlottesville. They are to be encamped above the University. The new clothes for the Paddy Whacks have all been finished and they decidedly improved the looks of the company. A large body of Cavalry passed down the road this morning. They numbered 1800. Bedford Charlie Meriwether was one of the Officers. Their destination was Manassas Junction ....[Letters received and written.] Fergus is to leave this week for his home; his mother has written for him and his brother, Gary the silent. I'm sorry my little friend Fergus is going. Hope we may meet again in the brighter and more peaceful times. A call from brother Jim.