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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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November 13 FAITH

Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”— St. Mark ix. 24.

I take the venture—
Lord, I cannot shrink
In natural human dread from the great leap
Over the awful brink;
Though wounds' indenture
Shows, that I hold this mortal life but cheap.
I dare the utter darkness,
Nor will fail
Now in the very grip of death to go,
If suffering's iron nail
To stony starkness
Would dash me (if it only could) below.
The ledge is little,
But my faith is large
As air's vast ocean or uncharted space;
It hath no earthly marge
Though flesh be brittle,
And asks no lamp but God's most lovely Face.
Behind my thought, the deepest,
And beyond
It journeys forth, and none shall bid it stay
Or even a while despond;
Yea, when thou sleepest,
O sense, it plucks from night eternal day.