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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary_of_the_History_of_Ideas
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General. F. L. Cross, The Oxford Dictionary of the Chris-
tian Church
(Oxford and New York, 1957). Adolf von
Harnack, Outlines of the History of Dogma, 3rd ed. trans.
Neil Buchanan, 7 vols. (London, 1894-99). K. S. Latourette,
A History of the Expansion of Christianity, 7 vols. (New
York, 1938-45).

The Early Church. N. H. Baynes, “Constantine the Great
and the Christian Church,” Proceedings of the British Acad-
15 (1929), 341-443. Henry Chadwick, The Early
Vol. I of The Pelican History of the Church
(Harmondsworth, 1967; London, 1968). Jean Daniélou and
Henri Marrou, The First Six Hundred Years, Vol. I of The
Christian Centuries: A New History of the Catholic Church,

ed. L. J. Rogier, et al. (London and New York, 1964). E. R.
Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (Cam-
bridge and New York, 1965). Louis Duchesne, Early History
of the Christian Church.
.., trans. Claude Jenkins (from
the 4th French edition), 3 vols. (London, 1920-24). W. H. C.
Frend, The Donatist Church... (Oxford and New York,
1952). A. H. M. Jones, Constantine and the Conversion of
(London, 1948; New York, 1949). J. N. D. Kelly,
Early Christian Creeds, 2nd ed. (London and New York,
1960); idem, Early Christian Doctrines, 4th ed. (London,
1968). D. Knowles, Christian Monasticism (New York and
Toronto, 1969). M. J. Lagrange, Histoire ancienne du Canon
du Nouveau Testament
(Paris, 1933). Has Lietzmann, A
History of the Early Church,
trans. B. L. Woolf, 4 vols. in
2 (New York, 1961). A. Momigliano, ed., The Conflict be-
tween Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century

(Oxford and New York, 1963). James M. Robinson, A New
Quest of the Historical Jesus
(London and Naperville, Ill.,
1959). Albert Schweitzer, Von Reimarus zu Wrede: eine
Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung
(1906), trans. Mont-
gomery as The Quest of the Historical Jesus (London, 1910).

The Middle Ages. A. Fliche, La Réforme grégorienne et
la Reconquête chrétienne,
1057-1125, Vol. 8 of Histoire de


L'Église, ed. A. Fliche, et al. (Paris, 1934-). André
Forest, F. van Steenbergher, M. de Gaudillac, Le Mouve-
ment doctrinal du XIe au XIVe siècle,
Vol. 13 of Histoire
de l'Église,
op. cit. (Paris, 1934-). É. Gilson, History
of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages
(London and
New York, 1955). E. F. Jacob, Essays in the Conciliar Eoch
(Manchester, 1943). D. Knowles, The Evolution of Medieval
(London and New York, 1962). V. Martin, Les
Origines du Gallicanisme,
2 vols. (Paris, 1939). G. Mollat,
The Popes at Avignon, 1305-78, trans. from the 9th ed.
(London and Camden, N.J., 1963). J. R. H. Moorman, A
History of the Franciscan Order... to the year 1517
and New York, 1968). H. St. L. B. Moss, The Birth of the
Middle Ages, 395-814
A.D. (Oxford, 1935). Steven Runciman,
A History of the Crusades, 3 vols. (Cambridge and New York,
1951-54). K. M. Setton, ed., A History of the Crusades, 2
vols. (Philadelphia, 1955-62). R. W. Southern, The Making
of the Middle Ages
(London and New Haven, 1953; London,
1967). B. Tierney, Foundations of Conciliar Theory
(Cambridge and New York, 1955). W. Ullmann, The Growth
of Papal Government in the Middle Ages,
2nd ed. (London,
1962; New York, 1963); idem, The Origins of the Great
(London, 1948).

Reformation and Counter-Reformation. R. H. Bainton,
Here I Stand.A Life of Martin Luther (London and New
York, 1951). H. Boehmer, Road to Reformation (Phila-
delphia, 1946). E. Doumergue, Jean Calvin, 7 vols.
(Lausanne, 1889-1927). H. O. Evennett, The Spirit of the
(Cambridge and New York, 1968).
H. Jedin, A History of the Council of Trent (London and
New York, 1957), Vol. I. M. Philippson, La Contrerévolution
religieuse au XVIe siècle
(Brussels, 1884). E. G. Rupp,
Luther's Progress to the Diet of Worms, 1521 (London, 1951);
idem, Patterns of Reformation (London, 1969). R. H.
Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (London, 1926).
M. Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,
trans. Talcott Parsons (New York, 1930).

Modern Times. R. Aubert, Pie IX, Vol. 21 of Histoire de
op. cit. (Paris, 1952). R. W. Church, The Oxford
(London, 1891). R. E. Davies, et al., eds., A
History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain
1965), Vol. I. A. L. Drummond, German Protestantism since
(London and Naperville, Ill., 1951). E. E. Y. Hales,
Revolution and Papacy, 1769-1846 (London and New York,
1960). K. S. Latourette, Christianity in a Revolutionary Age,
5 vols. (New York, 1958-62; London, 1959-63). E. Préclin
and E. Jarry, Les luttes politiques et doctrinales aux XVIIe
et XVIIIe siècles,
Vol. 19 of Histoire de l'Église, op. cit. (Paris,
1956). H. Welschinger, Le Pape et l'Empereur, 1804-15
(Paris, 1905).

Byzantine Church. F. Dvornik, Byzance et la primauté
(Paris, 1964), trans. as Byzantium and the Roman
(New York, 1966). G. Every, The Byzantine Patri-
(London and New York, 1962). J. M. Hussey, Church
and Learning in the Byzantine Empire
(Oxford, 1937). Steven
Runciman, The Eastern Schism... the Papacy and the
Eastern Churches during the XIth and XIIth Centuries

(Oxford and New York, 1955); idem, The Great Church in
Captivity: A Study of the Patriarchate of Constantinople
from the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to the Greek War of
(Cambridge, 1963; New York, 1968).


[See also Church as Institution; Gnosticism; God; Heresy;
Millenarianism; Myth in Biblical Times; Religious Tolera-
Sin and Salvation.]