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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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Ah no! such close shall ne'er await
The dawning day when Thou shalt be
To thy sublimest work awake!
Full many a streak begins to break
In purple promise of the fate
We hope—foresee—foretell for thee!
When such a sympathetic strain
Of loyal fellowship shall reign
Through all thy filial-federal train
Of States by mutual interests bound—


And Thy large heart, the long-renowned;
Touch one—and one inspiring sound
Of murmuring millions all alive
To all that makes their union thrive,
Shall thrill throughout the mighty hive!
And prove, if Right before them shine,
All lightning-like how prompt to strike,
Not for a poor ‘Self-help’ alone,
But Thou for theirs, and they for thine—
All for each others' as their own!
—‘Self-help’—but then the ungracious word
In cold reproach shall ne'er be heard!
If ever, as a shameless taunt
'Twas flung—ah, let the memory sink!
Unworthy those in lofty place
Who nobly rule a noble race,
Not apt from such ‘self-help’ to shrink!
Let that plain fact, no empty vaunt,
Their deaths, those gallant ones! attest
So oft struck down in wretched war
By savage pride upon us prest:—
Attest it his, among the rest—
(Be thus much said for kinship's sake)
Who sleeps the sleep no more to wake
On earth, 'mid loveliest scenes afar
Where Tonga-riro's snows disgorge
Their flames by blue Te Aira's lake—
Young, kindly, chivalrous St. George!
Whose honour-fired aspiring brain
Before that instant-blighting ball


Flashed into darkness without pain,
As in his wonted “dashing style”
(His comrades said) his men he led
Against the palisadoed wall
Of that last prophet-cannibal
Whose torturing tastes—impostures vile—
Into worst horrors back again
Of sickening savage life trepanned
A brutal duped benighted band.—
So swiftly his bold course was run,
That daring Spirit's duties done,
To whom the night and day were one,
As through dense forest-glooms he crashed,
Through flooded rivers dauntless dashed,
Or galloped past thick fern, close by
Where murderous scouts would lurking lie;
To keep our friends in heart, disclose
The machinations of our foes,—
With cool clear-sighted fiery zeal
Unceasing!—Ah, too soon the seal
Was set upon that life unknown,
That bud of promise nipt unblown!
The making of a hero marred,
If ever, then, when evil-starred
That young career by death was barred!