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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article XIV. Beautification Commission.

Sec. 2-190. Established; name.

There is hereby established a Charlottesville-Albemarle joint
commission for beautification, which shall be known as the
Charlottesville and Albemarle Beautification Commission.

Sec. 2-191. Bylaws.

The beautification commission shall act in accordance with
bylaws adopted by the city council and Albemarle County Board
of Supervisors hereafter, which bylaws shall be spread in the
current ordinance books of the city and county, and which are
herein incorporated by reference. (4-15-63.)


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meeting, to be signed by himself and the president, and shall
preserve all books and papers of the commission in his office.

Sec. 2-194. City treasurer to keep account and be custodian
of funds.

The city treasurer shall keep an account of and shall be the
custodian of all money, securities, bonds and other evidences
of debt belonging to the retirement fund. (1-6-64.)

Sec. 2-195. Setting apart funds for retirement plan.

The city council shall appropriate each year a sum estimated
to be sufficient for that fiscal year to make all payments
required by the city's supplemental retirement or pension
plan, and any unexpended funds so appropriated, shall be
placed in a fund to be known as the Retirement Fund. The
Retirement Fund and the annual increments to the fund, if
any, shall be invested as set forth in section 2-196. The annual
income from the Retirement Fund may be used toward
the payments due under the city's supplemental retirement or
pension plan, as amended; or, such annual income may be
added to the principal of the fund until such time as the city
council determines that the Retirement Fund has sufficient
principal and that income from such principal will suffice to
make the payments due under such retirement plan. (1-6-64.)

Sec. 2-196. Investment of funds.

The retirement fund commission shall apply all appropriations,
interest and profits from any securities, bonds or other
evidences of debt held by them to the purchase of bonds or
certificates of debt of this city, of this state, of the United
States or of some other state of the United States or to the
purchase of any other securities which, under the laws of
this state, are designated and approved for the investment of
fiduciary funds. The accrued interest and dividends on such
securities shall be collected by the city treasurer when due and
deposited to the credit of the Retirement Fund. All such securities
or reinvestments of the same and the interest and
dividends thereon shall be reinvested according to the provisions
of this section; provided, that unless some other


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provision is made by the city council for such payment, sufficient
funds shall be retained as cash in the fund to provide
for the payments under the retirement plan. (1-6-64.)

Sec. 2-197. Annual report to council.

The retirement plan commission shall, through the city
treasurer, not later than February 28 of each year, make a report
of the condition of the retirement fund to the city council.
The report shall contain any changes the retirement plan
commission desires to recommend concerning the retirement
fund or the retirement plan and such report shall also state
the cash receipts for the year in detail, an itemized list of securities
bought or sold, with the price paid or received and
a detailed list of all assets of the fund. Such report shall be
audited and approved by the secretary of the retirement plan
commission before it is presented to the city council. (1-664.)

Sec. 2-198. Disbursements.

All disbursements by the retirement plan commission shall
be by warrant of the secretary, countersigned by the president
of the commission, drawn on the city treasurer. (1-6-64.)

Sec. 2-199. Opening safety deposit box.

The bank safety deposit box of the retirement plan commission
shall be opened only in the presence of the city treasurer
or his deputy and one member of the retirement plan
commission other than the city treasurer. (1-6-64.)