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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Oh! blessed Tears, come once more to may Eyes,
That, glittering thro' you, I may see all Things


As beautiful as tho' an Angel's Wings
Had dropped the Heavensdew, fresh from the Skies,
Upon them once again; the Glory dies
Which Youth and Hope breathed on the Earth: the Strings,
By Time too rudely touched, their Minist 'rings
Unto Hope's Hand refuse! in vain it tries
The wonted Chords, it can call forth at best
But Chimes of jangled Music, which too well,
By what they are not, to the sad Heart tell
How much is wanting; but when from your Rest,
Ye Tears, ye start, at Joy, th' Enchanter's, Spell,
Seen thro' ye Earth as erst seems fair and blest!