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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 260. Disorderly conduct.

Any person, whether on his premises or elsewhere, who indulges
in loud talking, laughter, calling or shouting, or any other
form of boisterous conduct amounting to disorder, shall, on conviction,
be punished by a fine of not more than $5 for each

Sec. 261. Public drunkenness.

Any person who shall be found drunk upon the streets or in
any place of public resort in the city, shall be taken and held
in custody by the police until sober, and shall pay a fine of not
less than $2 nor more than $25, or be confined in jail not exceeding
30 days, or both, in the discretion of the court.

Sec. 262. Dangerous missiles.

No person, shall in any street, throw stones, sticks or other
dangerous missiles, or discharge arrows, nails or bullets from a
bow or cross-bow, or anywhere within the city limits discharge
shot, gravel, bullets or other similar substances from a gravel
shooter, air gun or similar implement, under a penalty of not
less than $1 nor more than $10 for every such offense.

Sec. 263. Flying kites or playing ball.

No person shall raise or fly a kite, or play any game of ball
in the streets, under a penalty of $1 for each offense.

Sec. 264. Circus exhibitions, etc.

It shall be unlawful for any person to make exhibition of a
circus, feats of horsemanship or caravan of animals at any place
within the city, unless it be in such a situation as not
to disturb or annoy any of the citizens, and unless, in addition,
it shall first have been designated or approved by the Mayor,
under a penalty of $20 for each offense; the disturbance or annoyance


Page 154
above mentioned to be of such a character as would
constitute a nuisance under the law.

Sec. 265. Merry-go-rounds, etc.

It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a merry-go-round
or similar machine at any place within the city unless it
be in such a situation as not to disturb or annoy any of the
citizens, and unless, in addition, he shall first procure the written
consent of the residents, if any, living on contiguous property,
and take care that he does not obstruct or interfere with
the use of the streets by passers by. He shall, while operating
his machine, preserve the peace and keep good order on the
premises on which his machine is operated, and to this end shall
employ a man approved by the Mayor, who shall be appointed
as special policeman to keep order. Any violation of this section
shall be punishable by a fine of $20.

Sec. 266. Cock fighting.

Any person who shall cause any match or main of cocks to
be fought within the city, or shall heel, trim, pit or handle any
cock so fought, or who shall bet at any such match or main,
shall be fined for every such offense the sum of not less than $10
nor more than $100, and every owner of any such cock consenting
to his fighting shall be deemed equally guilty and fined in
accordance with the provisions of this section.

Sec. 267. Prize fights.

Any person who shall, within the city, give or perform in,
or be in any manner concerned in, any prize fight, shall be fined
for every such offense the sum of $20.

Sec. 268. Indecent exposure, language and proposal.

Any person who shall indecently expose himself, or do any
obscene act in a public place, or write obscene language, or make
obscene marks or drawing on any wall, fence or other thing in
any public place, or address any obscene, lewd or profane language
or words to another, or make use of such language within
the hearing of another, shall be fined not less than $1 nor more
than $25 for each offense.


Page 155

Sec. 269. Fighting dogs or other animals.

Any person who shall cause any match of dogs or other animals
to be fought within the city, or shall handle any such dog
or other animal so fought, or who shall bet at any such match,
or who shall allow his dog or other animal to be so matched,
either for prize or diversion, shall be fined not less than $10
nor more than $100 for each such offense.

Sec. 270. Indecent books, pictures or statuary.

It shall be unlawful for any person to print, engrave, make,
exhibit, post or put up, sell or offer for sale or other purposes,
or dispose of any indecent, immodest or lascivious books, pamphlets,
papers, pictures or statuary. Any one violating this section
shall be fined not less than $2 nor more than $10 for each

Sec. 271. Renting or leasing of property for use as house
of ill-fame.

Any person who shall rent or lease property within the city
limits, either as owner or as agent for the owner, knowing that
the same is to be used as a house of ill-fame, or is to be resorted
to for the purpose of prostitution, shall be fined not less
than $20 nor more than $100, and in addition may be imprisoned
not exceeding six months.

Sec. 272. Property used as houses of ill-fame.

Any owner or agent of the owner, having control of property
rented within the city limits, knowing that the same is being
used as a house of ill-fame, or is being resorted to for the purpose
of prostitution, or after being notified by the Mayor of the
city that such property is being used for such purpose, shall be
fined not less than $5 nor more than $25 for each day he shall
permit said property to be so occupied after such knowledge or
notification, and in the discretion of the court may be imprisoned
not exceeding six months; provided, that said owner or
agent shall not have taken due process of law to vacate said

Sec. 273. Keeping houses of ill-fame.

Any person who shall keep a house of ill-fame, resorted to for


Page 156
the purpose of prostitution or lewdness, shall be fined not less
than $25 nor more than $200 or confined in jail not exceeding
three months, or both. In a prosecution of this offense the general
character of the house may be proved.

Sec. 274. Persons frequenting houses of ill-fame.

Any person frequenting a house of ill-fame, or visiting the
same for the purpose of lewdness, fornication or prostitution
shall be fined not less than $20 nor more than $100, or confined
in jail not exceeding 30 days, or both.

Sec. 275. Keepers or inmates of houses of ill-fame on

If any person who is known to be a keeper of a house of ill-fame,
or an inmate of such an house, resorted to for the purpose
of prostitution or lewdness, shall drive or ride through the
streets of the city during the day time, or shall at night be found
driving about or through the streets with a person of the opposite
sex shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and he or she, or
both, shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $25 for each
offense, and also may be confined in jail not exceeding thirty
days, in the discretion of the court.

Sec. 276. Adultery or fornication.

If any person commit adultery or fornication, he or she shall
be fined not less than $5.

Sec. 277. Lewd persons—street walkers.

No lewd person shall loiter or solicit upon the streets, or in
any public place of the city at any time, under a penalty of not
less than $5.

Sec. 278. Imitating police whistle.

Any person who shall blow a whistle in imitation of the police
signal, or attempt to do so, shall be fined not less than $2
for each such offense.

Sec. 279. False fire alarm.

No person shall, wantonly or without knowledge of the existence
of a fire, turn in or give any false alarm to the fire department,
under a penalty of not less than $2.50.


Page 157

Sec. 280. Resisting an officer, etc.

Any person who shall resist, or abuse, or obstruct, or hinder
any officer or employee of the city in the discharge of his duty,
or any contractor or other person in the execution of any work
for the city, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $2 nor
more than $100 or confined in jail not more than thirty days,
or both.

Sec. 281. Injuring shade trees or other property, or
placing signs thereon, etc.

If any person willfully injure any fruit, shade or ornamental
tree or shrub planted by the city authorities or others, or willfully
injure or deface any machinery, building, wall, monument or
base thereof, fence or enclosure, or any sign, awning or other
fixture or any other property, real or personal, not his own; or
post up any show bill, notice or advertisement, or brand, write,
mark or paint any sign, letters or characters upon the building,
wall, fence or property of another person, without first obtaining
the consent of the owner, or the agent of the owner of such
property, the person so offending shall be fined not less than $1
nor more than $300 for every separate offense.

Sec. 282. Violation of the Sabbath, how punished.

If a person, on a Sabbath day, be found laboring at any trade
or calling, or employ his apprentices or servants in labor or other
business, except in household or other work of necessity or charity,
he shall forfeit $2 for each offense. Every day any servant
or apprentice is so employed shall constitute a distinct offense.
From any judgment heretofore or hereafter rendered under this
section, the right of appeal shall lie to the defendant within ten
days, to the Corporation Court, and when taken shall be proceeded
in as appeals in misdemeanor cases. (Code, Sec. 3799.)

a. No person shall open his store or shop on Sunday for the
purpose of selling or disposing of any articles of merchandise,
under a penalty of not less than $2 nor more than $10 for each
offense; provided, that this paragraph shall not apply to the sale
of medicines, surgical instruments and accessories absolutely
needed before Monday, newspapers and other current periodicals,


Page 158
and such perishable articles, if any, as cannot be purchased on
a previous day for Sunday's consumption.

Sec. 283. Disturbing public worship.

No person shall willfully interrupt or disturb any assembly
met for the worship of God, under a penalty of $20 for every
such offense.

Sec. 284. Lounging, etc., on church steps, porch, etc.

Any person who shall lounge or smoke upon the steps or
porch of any church, or offer for sale or barter any article on
said steps or porch, or engage in eating fruits or nuts thereon,
or otherwise defile or deface the same, shall be fined $5 for
every such offense.

Sec. 285. Disturbing public assemblies.

Any person or persons, who shall willfully or otherwise, disturb
any assembly of persons, at an opera house, or other place
of assembly, whether he be in or outside of said assembly, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined
for each such offense not less than $5 nor more than $100.

Sec. 286. Annoying or interfering with pupils of female
or public schools.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, under pretext
of exercising his or their right to be on the public streets, to
loiter near the premises of any female or public school in the
city for the purpose of prying therein or to hold surreptitious
communication with any of the pupils thereof; or in any way so
to act as to disturb any of the pupils in the pursuit of their
studies or amusements, or in the observance of the regulations
of such institutions.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to accompany
or follow any pupil of any female school in the city or of the
public schools without the permission of the parent or guardian
of the pupil or the teacher in charge of the pupil; or to otherwise
interfere with or annoy any such pupil.

Any person or persons guilty of the offense or offenses herein
mentioned shall upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than
$1 nor more than $10 for each offense.


Page 159

Sec. 287. Minors frequenting billiard saloons, pool
rooms, etc.

No minor shall be employed in, play in, or loaf or loiter in or
frequent any billiard saloon or pool room, unless attended by
parent, under a penalty of not less than $2 nor more than $5 for
each offense.

No minor under 16 years of age shall be employed in, play in,
or loaf or loiter in or frequent any bowling alley or shooting
gallery, unless attended by parent, under a penalty of not less
than $2 nor more than $5 for each offense.

If any owner or keeper of any such room as set forth above
shall allow any minor to violate the provisions of this section,
he shall be deemed to be equally guilty and fined a like sum.

Sec. 288. Billiard saloons, pool rooms, etc.—regulations

All billiard saloons, pool rooms, bowling alleys and shooting
galleries shall be closed every night during the week not later
than 11 o'clock and remain closed until 7 o'clock the following

No intoxicating liquors shall be used or drunk at the places
named in this section, or any of them, at any time.

No gambling, betting, or gambling devices of any kind whatsoever,
shall be permitted at any time at any of the places named
in this section.

Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of
not less than $5 nor more than $25 for each offense; and, if any
owner or keeper of any such room as set forth above, shall permit
the violation of any of the provisions of this section, he shall
be deemed to be equally guilty and fined a like sum.

Sec. 289. Minors—sale of dangerous weapons and tobacco

If any person sell, barter, give or furnish, or cause to be sold,
bartered, given or furnished, to any minor under 16 years of age,
cigarettes or tobacco in any form, or firearms, cartridges, dirks
or bowie knives, having good cause to believe such minor to be
under 16 years of age, he shall be fined not less than $10 nor
more than $100.


Page 160

The term "firearms" as used in this section shall be construed
to include any gun, rifle, or pistol adapted to the use in any
form of powder and shot (or balls) or cartridges, whether such
firearms be called "toy pistols," "toy guns," or otherwise.

Sec. 290. Selling or furnishing liquor to minors or

If any merchant or tradesman or the keeper of any inn, barroom,
saloon, distillery, or any other person dealing in intoxicating
liquors sell, barter, give, or furnish, or cause to be sold,
bartered, given or furnished, or if any other person shall sell
or barter any spirituous or intoxicating or malt liquor of any
kind to a minor or to any student of the public schools or other
institutions of learning, or if any person directly or indirectly
procure from any merchant, keeper of an inn, ordinary, barroom,
distillery or any other person dealing in intoxicating
liquors, any spirituous or intoxicating or malt liquors to be sold,
bartered, given or furnished to any such minor or student, deliver,
or cause to be delivered, the same to any such minor or
students, he shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $300,
and in the discretion of the court be confined in jail not exceeding
six months or the court shall require him to enter into a
recognizance with security in a penalty of not less than $500 to
be of good behavior for one year.

Any subsequent violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a
forfeiture of the recognizance.

Sec. 291. The sale of spirituous liquors or any mixture,
preparation or liquid which will produce intoxication.

If any person shall sell wine, spirituous or malt liquors, or any
mixture thereof, or shall sell any mixture, preparation or liquid
which will produce intoxication, he shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $20
and in the discretion of the court, by imprisonment not exceeding
six months.

Sec. 292. Regulation of barrooms, etc.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any dealer in intoxicating liquors
in the City of Charlottesville to conduct such business elsewhere


Page 161
than in a room, the whole interior of which is in full view from
the public streets at all times.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any place for the sale of intoxicating
liquors to be open or for such dealer by himself or his
employees to sell or offer to sell or give away or furnish such
liquors between the hours of ten (10) p. m. and five (5) a. m.—
except Saturday night that they be allowed to keep open until
eleven (11) p. m.—or on Sunday, but during the period of time
aforesaid, on each and every day, the place of such business of
any dealer shall be closed and kept closed.

(3) It shall be unlawful for the view of the entire interior
of any place for the sale of intoxicating liquor from the nearest
public street to be in any manner obstructed, at any time, whether
by screens, curtains, stained glass or otherwise, and during closing
hours aforesaid (from 10 p. m. to 5 a. m.—except Saturday
which shall be from 11 p. m. to 5 a. m.) there shall be kept
and maintained in the room in which such business is conducted
sufficient light or lights to enable the entire interior thereof to be
plainly seen from the street.

(4) It shall be unlawful to have in such place for the sale
of intoxicating liquors, or connected therewith any private room,
booth or other private place where liquors may be served or

(5) It shall be unlawful for any such dealer, or other person,
to keep, have or maintain any billiard or pool table, bowling alley,
slot machine or gaming device of any kind whatsoever, or to
furnish music or any form of entertainment whatsoever in connection
with his business as a dealer in intoxicating liquors or
for such dealer to permit the same to be kept, had and maintained
or furnished in his place of business.

(6) Where a restaurant, lunch room or other like place of
business or resort, or grocery or store, is conducted in connection
with such liquor business there may be an entrance or communicating
way between the room in which such liquor business is
conducted and such restaurant, lunch room or other like place of
business or resort, or such grocery store; provided, however:

1. That the room in which any such restaurant, lunch room
or other place of business or resort, or any such grocery or store,


Page 162
is so conducted be so situated that the entire interior thereof
shall be in full view of a public street at all times as well as the
whole interior of the place for the sale of such liquor.

2. And that such lunch room, restaurant or other place of
business or resort, or such grocery or store, be in good faith
closed and all business therein in good faith discontinued, during
the same hours in which the room in which such liquor business
is conducted is required by this ordinance to be closed: and

3. That it shall be unlawful for the view from the nearest
public street of the interior of any such restaurant, lunch room
or other like place of business or resort, or any such grocery or
store to be in any manner obstructed, whether by screens, curtains,
stained glass or otherwise, and during the closing hours
aforesaid, there shall be kept and maintained in any restaurant,
lunch room or other like place of business or resort, or any such
grocery or store sufficient light or lights to enable the entire
interior thereof to be plainly seen from the front.

And provided further that any restaurant, lunch room or other
like place of business or resort, or any grocery or store, which
is not closed during the hours aforesaid, or which is not in full
view of the public street during the closing hours aforesaid, shall
be wholly separated by a solid partition from any room in which
liquors are sold.

And it shall not be lawful for any dealer in intoxicating liquors
to have or permit any means of communication between his place
of business and any hotel except by the open public street.

(7) This ordinance shall apply to any corporation or co-partnership
engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors for gain in
like manner as it applies to an individual, and the term "intoxicating
liquors" shall be construed to include whiskeys, brandies,
wines, gin, and all ardent spirits, and alcoholic or malt liquors
of every character whatever or any mixture thereof, alcoholic
bitters or bitters containing alcohol, or fruits preserved in ardent
spirits or malt extract.

(8) For any violation of any provision of this ordinance, the
offender shall for the first offense be fined not less than twenty-five
dollars ($25) nor more than fifty dollars ($50); for the second
offense not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one


Page 163
hundred dollars ($100); and for each subsequent offense he
shall be fined three hundred dollars ($300) or confined in jail
for three months. Each hour or fraction thereof under one hour
during which any violation of any of the provisions of sections
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this ordinance continues shall be deemed a
separate offense and in any case herein provided for, the justice
or judge before whom the case is tried may at his discretion revoke
the licenses of the offender.

Sec. 293. Unlawful sale of liquor—information concerning.

Any person, other than a member of the police force or a city
officer, who may furnish to the police department such information
as will lead to a conviction for the unlawful sale of wine,
spirituous or malt liquors in this city, shall be entitled to and receive
one-half of the fine collected from the person found guilty,
provided the informer makes written claim to the Police Justice
for such part of the fine at the time the warrant or process is
issued. (See Sec. 611.)

Sec. 294. Curfew law.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen
years to be in or upon the streets, avenues or alleys of this
city after 7:30 o'clock p. m. from the first of October to the
first day of May, or after 9 o'clock p. m. from the first day of
May to the first day of October, unless accompanied by and in
the care of its parent or guardian, or some other adult with the
consent of its parent or guardian, or unless actually executing an
emergency errand upon which it has been sent by its parent or
guardian, or unless such person be employed in business and his
employment makes it necessary for him to be upon the streets,
avenues and alleys of the city during the night time after said
specified hours. Any person violating the provisions of this section
shall be summoned to appear before the Police Justice for
such violation, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than
$1 nor more than $5 for each offence, and the Police Justice imposing
said fine may extend the time of payment of said fine, not
exceeding thirty days upon the recognizance of the accused.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department


Page 164
each day in the year, fifteen minutes before the time specified in
the first section of this ordinance, to cause to be rung the bell of
the Fire Department for ten successive strokes.

(3) It is hereby made unlawful for any parent or guardian
having the legal custody of any child under fifteen years of age
to allow or permit any such child or ward under such age to
go or be in or upon any street, avenue or alley in violation of
the provision of section 1 of this ordinance. Any person violating
the provision of this section shall be summoned to appear before
the Police Justice for such violation, and, upon conviction,
shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $5 for each offence.

Sec. 295. Paupers, vagrants and dangerous persons.

a. No pauper, or person having no ostensible means of support,
or person who may be dangerous to the peace or safety of
the city shall be allowed within the jurisdictional limits of the
city. Upon complaint of any policeman, the city sergeant, or
other city official, or any other person under oath to the Police
Justice of the city or any other person authorized by law to issue
a warrant, that a pauper, vagrant or dangerous person as
aforesaid is within such limits, the Police Justice shall issue his
warrant for the arrest of the party alleged to be a pauper, vagrant
or dangerous. Such person shall thereupon be arrested
and brought before such Police Justice and upon conviction, shall
be put at hard labor for the benefit of the city, to be discharged
only upon condition that he leave the city. Provided, however,
that if such objectionable person has been in the city more than
90 days prior to such arrest, the Police Justice shall have no
authority to compel him to leave the city, but, in that case, if
such person does not avail of an option to leave the city in 24
hours, which option he may have, then such objectionable person
shall, upon conviction, be confined in jail not more than 90 days
and, upon conviction of a second offense, shall be put at hard
labor for the city not exceeding six months. (Code, Sec. 885.)

b. Any railroad company, or the owner of any conveyance
bringing to or leaving in the city any such objectionable person
as is mentioned in the preceding clause, may be compelled to
take any such person back to the place whence he was brought
and, upon failure to do so after two days' notice, such railroad


Page 165
company or such owner of conveyance referred to above shall
be fined not less than $5 nor more than $10 for each day the
failure to remove continues. (Charter, Sec. 14, § 15.)

c. If any railroad company, or the owner of any conveyance
bring to or leave in the city any such objectionable person as is
mentioned in clause "a" of this section, such railroad company
or owner of such conveyance shall, in addition to the fine imposed
by clause "b" of this section, be fined not less than $5
nor more than $25.

Sec. 296. Dance halls—regulation of.

Any person desiring to conduct a dance hall in which public
dancing is to be allowed, where an admission fee is charged or
a charge is made for participating in such dancing, shall first
obtain the consent of the Mayor, who shall satisfy himself that
the person applying is a proper person to conduct such hall and
that the location is suitable for such purpose, and in addition,
the person so applying shall procure the license required for
dance halls.

Any such dance hall shall not remain open later than 12 o'clock
each night during the week and remain closed until 6 o'clock
the following morning.

No intoxicating liquors shall be kept or drunk at such dance

Any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine
of not less than $5 nor more than $25 for each offense; and
if the owner or keeper of such dance hall shall permit the violation
of any provision of this section he shall be deemed to
be equally guilty and fined a like sum.

Members of the police force shall have the right to enter such
dance hall at all hours to see that the peace and quiet of the
city is preserved.

Sec. 297. Concealed weapons.

If any person carry about his person, hid from common observation,
any pistol, dirk, bowie knife, razor, sling shot, or any
weapon of like kind, he shall be fined not less than $20 nor
more than $100 or be committed to jail for not more than thirty
days, or both in the discretion of the court, and such weapons


Page 166
shall be forfeited and sold, in such manner as the Police Justice
may deem best, and the proceeds paid into the city treasury.
Provided, however, that no person shall be punishable under
this section who has been granted permission to carry concealed
weapons in accordance with sec. 3780 of the Code of Virginia.

Sec. 298. Discharging firearms.

Any person who shall shoot any gun, pistol, or other firearm,
within the limits of the city, except in case of urgent necessity,
or in licensed shooting galleries, shall be fined not less than $2
nor more than $10 for each offense.

Sec. 299. Abusive or profane language.

If any person shall in the presence or hearing of another curse
or abuse such person or use any violent or abusive language to
such person concerning himself or any of his female relations,
under circumstances reasonably calculated to provoke a breach
of the peace, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
on conviction shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $25.

Sec. 300. Riot, rout, assault and battery.

Any person who shall be guilty of riot, rout or unlawful assembly,
or assault and battery, or any offense that will amount
to a breach of the peace, shall be fined not less than $2.50 or
confined in jail not exceeding six months, or both.

Sec. 301. Disguises in public.

It shall be unlawful for any one in public to conceal in any
wise his identity or to disguise himself by mask or otherwise.
Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not
less than $5 nor more than $10.

Sec. 302. Threatening messages.

It shall be unlawful for any person to send any message or
communication threatening another with any punishment other
than that contemplated by law, and any violation of this section
shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25.

Sec. 303. Trespass on private or public property.

If any person shall unlawfully trespass upon any private property


Page 167
within the city he shall, upon the complaint of the owner
or occupant of such property, be fined not less than $1 nor more
than $5 for each offense. In cases where the trespass is committed
upon the property owned by the city, or other public
property, upon the complaint of the official or officials having
charge of said property, the offender shall be fined in like manner
as aforesaid.

Sec. 304. Petit larceny.

If any person shall steal from the person of another, money
or other thing of the value of less than $5, or if any person
commit simple larceny, not from the person of another,
of goods and chattels of less value than $50, he shall be deemed
guilty of petit larceny and fined not less than $2.50 nor more
than $100 or confined in jail not more than six months.

Sec. 305. Pulling down fences and leaving gates open.

If any person without permission of the owner pull down the
fence of another or any part thereof, and leave the same down,
or without permission open or leave open the gate of another,
he shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $10.

Sec. 306. Gambling houses.

Any person who shall keep or maintain a house or apartment or
room in which games of cards, or of chance, shall be habitually
played for money or anything to be cashed in as money, shall be
fined not less than $5 nor more than $50 and be imprisoned in
the city jail for not more than thirty days.

Sec. 307. Gaming tables, slot machines, etc.

If any person keep or exhibit a gaming table, commonly called
A. B. C., or E. O. table, wheel of fortune, nickel-in-the-slot machine,
faro bank, keno table, race course table, race horse table,
or any table of like kind, or any table, apparatus or machine used
in playing any game of chance at which money may be won or
lost, whether the game be played with cards, dice, money or otherwise,
or be a partner or concerned or interested in, either as owner,
operator or employee, in the keeping, exhibiting, using or operating
such table, machine, apparatus or bank, he shall be fined not


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exceeding $50; and each day such machine, apparatus or table is
so used shall constitute a separate offense.

Sec. 308. Craps.

Any person who shall play the game commonly called craps,
within the corporate limits of the city, shall be fined not less than
$1 nor more than $25 for each offense.

Sec. 309. Defacing advertisements.

If any person shall tear down or deface any bill or advertisement,
so long as the same may be of any benefit to the party posting
it, he shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $5 for each
offense. Provided, nothing herein shall prevent any one from
tearing down advertisements posted on his premises.

Sec. 310. Protection of hotels and boarding-houses.

Whoever puts up at a hotel or boarding-house and without
having an express agreement for credit procures food, entertainment,
or accommodation without paying therefor and with intent
to cheat or defraud the owner or keeper of such hotel or boarding-house
out of the pay for same; or with intent to cheat or
defraud such owner or keeper out of the pay therefor obtains
credit at a hotel or boarding-house for such food, entertainment,
or accommodation by means of any false show of baggage or
effects brought thereto; or with such intent obtains credit at a
hotel or boarding-house for such food, entertainment, or accommodation
through any misrepresentation or false statement, or
with such intent removes or causes to be removed any baggage or
effects from a hotel or boarding-house while there is a lien existing
thereon for the proper charges due from him for fare and
board furnished therein, shall be punished by imprisonment not
exceeding three months or by fine not exceeding $50. (Code,
Sec. 3722b.)

Sec. 311. Jamaica ginger—regulation of sale.

It shall be unlawful for a druggist, or other retail merchant to
sell within the jurisdictional limits of the city of Charlottesville,
any fluid essence of Jamaica Ginger or fluid extract of Jamaica
Ginger, except on the prescription of a licensed physician, which


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prescription shall not be refilled. Any citizen shall have the privilege
of applying for a prescription of this character to the City
Physician, who may provide it or not, as his judgment dictates;
said prescription shall be free of cost to such citizen and shall not
be refilled. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not
less than $10.