University of Virginia Library


See now prepared for fresh assault
And every wild resource of War,
Both ‘Sounding Sea’ and ‘Angry Star’!
—But let us call a moment's halt;
For who can dwell with much delight
On details bare of barbarous fight?
War stripped of that superb disguise
Of splendour which to youthful eyes
Gives Terror more than Beauty's charms,


And o'er Death's revel scatters rife
Stern raptures of sublimest Life?
The marshalled ranks—far-glittering lines;
And square on square compact and dense—
Each layer-like slab of life intense
That firm as bristling rampart shines
In such high-drilled magnificence!
The single tramp and serried arms
Of myriads moved like one together!
The bayonet-blades—each row of steel
Soft waving like a brilliant feather
As in broad lines the regiments wheel—
How in the sun they flash and quiver!
The ponderous flying guns that cling
And clutch at every vantage ground
Like savage birds of heavy wing,
And with volcano smoke and sound
Exulting boom and blaze away;
Or flit when they no more may stay,
As vultures lagging leave their prey!—
Then Music's thrilling witchery,
From Matter's gross enthralment ever
Potent the spirit to deliver,
Fans all the Soul to fever-heat;
The big drum's distant windy beat,
Tumultuous-heaving stormy sea,
Over whose plunging waves alway
The fife's light notes dance up like spray!
And trumpets soar and bugles call:
Or loud in fits far rattling comes
The glorious long-resounding shiver
Of those impatient kettle-drums!—