University of Virginia Library


Birthday Poems.



Cecilia Havergal.

Christ hath called thee, Christ hath blest,
Everlasting life is thine;
Closely cleaving, thou shalt rest
In His glorious love divine.
Let Him teach thee what He will,
In thee day by day fulfil
All His sweet and blessed will.
He is come to claim His throne,
And thy life is all His own;
Voices of this passing earth,
Echoes of its praise or mirth,
Reach not, when the heart hath heard
Golden music of His word.
‘All for Jesus’ henceforth be!
Live for Him who died for thee.


Edith Havergal.

Early chastening, early blessing!
Darkest cloud hath brightest bow!
In the night of pain distressing,
Thine hath been the joy to show
How God is a Sun and Shield.
Heir thou art by His good pleasure,
All thy title Spirit-sealed!
View thy grand and royal treasure—
Every gift in Love's full measure,
Riches of His grace, so great,
Glory's far exceeding weight,—
All in Christ for ever thine!
Light and Life and Love Divine!

For E. P. S.

Francie, may thy childhood be
As a blossom-laden tree,
Showing promise full and free.
Willie, be thy life a song,
Holy, happy, sweet, and long,
Swelling through a world of wrong.
Alfred, be a fragrant flower,
Hailing either sun or shower,
Sweetest in its fading hour.
Alice, in thy baby measure,
Ever be thy parents' treasure,
Showering golden love and pleasure.




[Only a leaf, yet it shall bear]

Only a leaf, yet it shall bear
A wealth of love, of mintage true!
Only a simple earnest prayer,
That silently goes up for you;
Yet you and I may never know
What blessings from that prayer may flow.

[‘Grace, mercy, peace.’]

Grace, mercy, peace.’
Triple blossom, rainbow-hued,
Fresh and fragrant, heaven-bedewed,
Brightening desert solitude,
Springing from the Love Divine,
Love that ever shall entwine
With our own, with yours and mine.

[Upon the same bright morning star]

Upon the same bright morning star
Our gaze may meet, though severed far:
The Star of Bethlehem to-day
Shines brightly on our wintry way;
And, gazing on its radiance clear,
Our hearts may meet, and we are near!

[As the sounding shell conveys]

As the sounding shell conveys
The murmur of the sea,


So let this tiny token raise
Some memory of me;
For loving thought of prayer and praise
Fail not to rise for thee.

[Though the circling flight of time may find us]

Though the circling flight of time may find us
Far apart, or severed more and more,
Yet the farewell always lies behind us,
And the welcome always lies before.
Meanwhile God is leading, surely, slowly,
Through the shadows with a hand of love,
To the house where, 'mid the myriads holy,
Only welcomes wait us both above.

Birthday Mottoes.

[May the tale the years are telling]

May the tale the years are telling,
Always be
Like an angel-anthem swelling
Through thy spirit's quiet dwelling,
Till the glory all-excelling
Dawn for thee!

[Many a happy year be thine]

Many a happy year be thine,
If our Father will!
He has traced the fair design,
He will fill it, line by line,
Working patiently, until
Thy completed life shall shine,
Glorious in the life divine.


[Many and happy thy birthdays be!]

Many and happy thy birthdays be!
In the light of heaven arrayed;
With the rainbow arching every cloud
When the pathway lies in shade;
And full and far may the blessing flow,
That thy future life is made.

[Love would strew upon thy way]

Love would strew upon thy way
Fairest, freshest flowers to-day;
Love would daily, hourly shed
Brightest sunbeams on thy head.
So she prays: that heavenly grace
Be thy flower-awakening dew,
And the brightness of His face
Gild thy life with sunshine true.

[‘Upward, still upward’ thy pathway be]

Upward, still upward’ thy pathway be,
Into the sunshine grand and free;
Leaving the mists and clouds below,
Gaining the pure and stainless snow.
Upward, still upward! Thy faithful Guide
Always close at His pilgrim's side,
Leading thee on from height to height,
Nearer and nearer the stars of light.

[Birthday blessings, fullest, sweetest]

Birthday blessings, fullest, sweetest,
Fall on thee to-day!
Earthly pleasure, fairest, fleetest,
Will not, cannot stay;


But the true and heavenly treasure
Cannot pass away:
May its richest, grandest measure
Gild thy natal day!

[The Love of God the Father]

The Love of God the Father,
The Grace of God the Son,
The joy of God the Holy Ghost,—
A blessing three in one,
Be yours aboundingly, I pray,
For this and every coming day!

[Leaning, resting, trusting, loving]

Leaning, resting, trusting, loving,
Enter thy new year!
For the Lord who lives to love thee
Will be always near,
Shielding, guiding, caring, blessing!—
What hast thou to fear?

[We pray Thee for our dear one!]

We pray Thee for our dear one!
May a sunny birthday prove
The portal of long happy years,
All radiant with Thy love.
And we praise Thee for our dear one!
For all the mercies past,
And for all the blessing that shall flow
While life itself shall last.


[A holy, happy birthday]

A holy, happy birthday
And a happy, happy year!
Ah, we have not deserved it,
And yet we need not fear.
For Jesus has deserved it!
And so, for Jesus' sake,
This cup of joy and blessing
With grateful heart we take.

[I have no birthday gifts to bring]

I have no birthday gifts to bring,
But I will crave a Royal dower,
The sevenfold largesse of the King.
His Peace be thine, His Love unknown;
His own deep Joy, His Strength and Power,
His Grace abounding, be thine own!
His Rest be thine, sweet rest to-day,
Rest while the swift years pass away,
And then His Glory thine for aye!

To M. V. G. H.


The blessing of the trusting one,
Who knows her faithful Friend;
The blessing of the waiting one,
Who trusts Him to the end;
The blessing of the watching one,
Whose eyes are on the Lord;


The blessing of the chastened one,
That marvellous reward!—
These sweetest birthday blessings be
Abundantly bestowed on thee!
Blessing and blest
May thy new year be,
Brightest and best
Of the years to thee,
Awaiting the rest
Of eternity!

M. L. C.'s Birthday Crown.

Only just a line to say,
Miriam, on this summer day,
What my spirit's love would breathe,
While thy birthday crown I wreathe.
Crown! How many a mingled thought
By that little word is brought!
Yet may each enlinkèd be
In a birthday wish for thee.
One who wears a crown should reign
Sovereign over some domain;
Held by thee, love's fairy sway
Still may every heart obey.
First we think of royal gems,
Coronets and diadems;
'Twere an idle wish, I ween,
Be thou happy as a Queen!


To another crown we turn,
While our loving hearts would burn,
Worn by Him who on the tree,
Miriam, hath died for thee.
By that thorn-enwoven crown,
By the life for thee laid down,
May thy every fleeting year
Bring thee to His love more near!
Then the crown of golden light,
Worn by those who walk in white,
May that be thy blest reward
In the presence of thy Lord!

To John Henry C--- on his Third Birthday.

Blessings on thee, darling boy,
Peace and love and gentle joy!
May the coronal they twine
Through the dream of life be thine!
Little hast thou known of life,
Of its sorrow, of its strife,
Thine not yet dark Future's blast,
Thine not yet a shadowy Past.
While we reck of coming years,
Strangely mingling hopes and fears,


What are sober thoughts to thee,
In the tide of birthday glee!
Thou art beautiful and bright,
Daily wakening new delight,
Would that we the prize could hold,
Always keep thee three years old!
No, not always; thou may'st be
Something brighter yet to see,
Noble-hearted, lofty-souled,
When more years have o'er thee rolled.
Love is watching round thee now,
Tracing sunbeams on thy brow;
Never be her mission done
To thy father's only son!
Yet a higher, deeper love
Watcheth o'er thee from above
Then thy fount of motive be
Love to Him who loveth thee.
Darling, may thy years below
Like a strain of music flow,
Ever sweeter, purer, higher,
Till it swell the angel choir.
Be thy life a star of light,
Glistening through earth's stormy night,
Shining then with glorious ray
Through the One Eternal Day!


For Elizabeth Clay's Birthday.

My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest!’
A promise sweetly tender,
Soothing the anxious breast.
He knows the lonely spirit,
And all its hidden woe;
He knows the weary yearnings
No earthly friend can know.
His presence shall go with thee,
And His upholding hand
Thy orphaned footsteps guiding
All through the stranger's land.
Encompassed by that Presence
Thou wilt not be alone,
And thou may'st safely rest thee
'Neath the shadow of His throne.
When spring-time's emerald glory
Bids hill and valley smile,
And thou once more regainest
The white cliffs of our isle,
Shall I not hear thee whisper,
In accents calmly blest—
‘His presence hath been with me,
And He hath given me rest’?


‘Coming of Age.’


(J. H. S.)

What do we seek for him to-day, who, through such golden gates
Of mirth and gladness, enters now where life before him waits?
'Mid light and flowers the feast is spread, and young and old rejoice,
And motto texts speak out for all, with earnest, loving voice.
The threefold blessing Israel heard three thousand years ago,
Oh! grant it may on him to-day in power and fulness flow;
For, faithful and unchangeable, each word of God is sure,
Though heaven and earth shall pass away, His promises endure.
The Angel of the Covenant, redeeming from all ill
Both son and father, bless the lad, and every prayer fulfil;
Nor only bless, but make him, too, a blessing, Lord, from Thee:
With length of days, oh, satisfy; let him Thy glory see.
Through all the journey of his life, Thy presence with him go;
Rest in Thee here, and with Thee there, do Thou, O Lord, bestow.


Oh, keep him faithful unto death, then grant to him, we pray,
The crown of glory and of life, that fadeth not away.
So shall the father's soul be glad for him he holds so dear,
A son whose heart is truly wise in God's most holy fear;
And hallowed be our festal joy with gratitude and praise;
Forget not all His benefits, whose kindness crowns our days.
Then glory in the highest be to Him, our Strength and Song;
May every heart uplift its part, in blessings deep and long.
Through Him who died that we might live, our thanks to God ascend,
The King of kings, and Lord of lords, our Saviour and our Friend.

To the Rev. C. B. Snepp.

I have no hymn, my brother,
Upon your desk to lay,
No song of holy gladness
To bring to you to-day;
To ‘Songs of Grace and Glory’
No verses sweet and new!
I write not for ten thousand,
I only write for you.
For oh, my heart is singing
A song of quiet praise


To Him who has preserved you,
Upholding all your ways.
To Him who knows our sorrows,
Who knew the orphan's heart,
And sent a friend to cheer it,
And act a brother's part.
So I come before my Father,
My hands in faith uplift,
To fill your cup with gladness
And every perfect gift.
And may His loving-kindness
Crown all with grace for grace,
Till in the coming glory
You stand before His face!
And see with light from heaven,
Clear-shining on thy ways,
Each pilgrimage petition
Transmuted into praise.

Saturday Night.


Lord, refresh Thy weary servant,
Send him sweet and quiet rest;
Thou hast made him oft a blessing,
Let him now be doubly blest.


Let him feel Thy holy presence
Richly dwelling in his soul,
Every care and every burden
Bid him on Jehovah roll.
Lord, as he for Thee hath spoken,
Now to him, oh do Thou speak!
With Thy still small voice of comfort
Crown the mercies of the week.
May He wake with strength renewed,
Yet again to work for Thee;
Full of Sabbath joy and blessing
Let his spirit always be!