University of Virginia Library

Epistle II. To Paulinus.

by the Same. [Mr. M.]


Upon Resentment.

I Am very angry, whether I ought to be so, I can't consider, but very angry I am; you know Love is sometimes jealous, impatient often, inclinable to Resentment always: I have great Reason, I know not how just, but my Resentment suggests it to me as just, as it is great. I take it very ill that it is so long since I receiv'd a Letter; you have but one way to appease me, that is, by the length, as well as number of your Letters; I shall admit no other Excuse: I was not at ROME, or was full of Business, sha'nt serve the turn; God forbid any Indisposition should prevent. I am got into the Country, where I Study and am Idle by turns, the constant Effect of Leisure.