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Enter Aribert. Guards at a Distance.
My Daughter's Passion hurry'd me too far:
Now cooler Reason mounts again her Throne,
I blame myself. True, Gondibert's Refusal
Might well alarm a Woman in her Weakness:
Besides, my Hopes are cross'd: my every Wish
Was center'd in Him for my Son and Heir:
By Blood ally'd, I fix'd on Him alone.
His Virtues might have dignify'd a scepter,
And added fresher Honours to my Kingdom.
My Kingdom's Wish no less than mine.—How blind
Are Mortals to Futurity? One Glance


From Beauty's Eye can baffle all our Schemes
And melt them down to Air. This fatal Marriage,
Thus unforseen, has overturn'd the Plan
Of many a wakeful Hour.—But be it so:
From different Courts I still have Choice of Sons,
Who plead their Passion for my Daughter's Love,
With richer Crowns than mine and fairer Kingdoms.
—Since Gondibert is marry'd, let me pay Him
The proper Honours which his Merit claims,
His Father's Goodness and his own demand it.
He still shall be my General and my Friend!
The Message which I sent was too severe,
Forbidding Him my Presence: I revoke it.
I know the Powers of Beauty and forgive Him.
I long to comfort his afflicted Youth
And hail the Bridegroom with the Voice of Joy,
Of prosperous Wishes and unfeigned Pardon.
To the Guards.
Go find the noble Gondibert and tell Him
To meet me in the Gardens: I'll be there.