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A Tragedy

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As Guyomar unbinds Cortez, Almeria enters.
Stay—what are ye about?—He is my prisoner.
Bind him, yet faster!—Know you, Montezuma,
This wretch is warm in my dear brother's blood,
The last ill-fated son of great Traxalla?

I know, fair princess, he was late the guardian,
Even of Orbellan, and his beauteous sisters,
When sudden ambush had foredoom'd us all
To sure perdition.

O, it is not that
Which makes his merit in the baleful eye
Of Montezuma.
He is the butcher of Almeria's brother,


Of the last rival of the line of Mexico—
And thence derives his freedom.

No, Almeria!
He is enfranchised by the voice of benefits,
That speak as loud as thunder—benefits
Conferr'd on us, on you! He stands protected
By every Indian virtue, that takes sanction
From faith or gratitude!—Your brother found
The fate he look'd for.

Hence, audacious boy!
Or fear for thine own safety—Thus I offer him
To justice, to revenge!

[Draws a dagger.
Hold yet, Almeria!—
Why wouldst thou sink me underneath a heap
Of foul ingratitude?—Observe me, Cortez!
The world shan't sway me to ordain thy death;
And love forbids me to appoint thy freedom.
Odmar, take thou the charge, and hold him safe,
Alike from friend and foe, from Guyomar
And from Almeria—Gods, conduct our ways!
And honour light us through this puzzling maze!
