University of Virginia Library


A Chamber in Durazzo's Palace, with a toilet, &c.
Olympia, with a picture in her hand; Nerina attending.
The danger's pass'd, and Julia smiles again.
My brother, thy divining was too true;
Her fears were not for thee. But now, to try
This new, this last expedient.—Good Nerina.
Observe this picture. This day, in his garden,
Mentevole, my enamour'd brother, dropp'd it.
It is the lovely likeness of thy lady.
I leave it here. Should it escape her view,
Find you some means to bring it to her notice.
If prodigality proclaim a passion,
The diadems of kings are here outluster'd.
And yet I fear—The mother of Marcellus:—
Her eye looks cold upon me. I'll not meet her.

[Olympia hangs the picture on the frame of Julia's dressing-glass, and exit. Nerina retires.