University of Virginia Library


To him, Dunelm.
Hoa, Dunelm!
Guard each Avenue of the Camp.
Forbid yon Traitor's Egress: If he attempt
To 'scape the Watch, arrest him: For his Heart
Labours with Ruin: He is false to Denmark.—
[Exit Dunelm.]
Go, credulous Dotard! Cou'd thy Folly hope
To win the Friendship of thy Country's Foe?
Ev'n such, thro' ev'ry Age, shall be the Lot
Of British Blindness, when it aids Invasion:
The Slave of Conquest first; and then her Scorn:
The Scaffolding on which Ambition mounts;
Then spurns it to the Earth, a Refuse vile,


Fit for Contempt to tread on.—Welcome, Harold,
Hast seen our Captive Egbert?

To him, Harold.
Aye, my Lord.

Didst thou declare my purpos'd Thought?

I did.

How did he meet it?

First, with frantic Rage
He shook his Chains, and curs'd thee by his Gods.
I told him, Rage and frantic Banns were vain.
If he resign'd fair Thyra to thy Arms,
(Since only He cou'd win her to thy Wish)
Freedom was his. But if his stubborn Pride
Shou'd thwart thy Will; To-morrow's Breeze shou'd waft him
To Chains, to Darkness, and the dreary Depth
Of Norway's mine: while she, imprison'd here,
The Vassal of Desire, shou'd sate thy Wish.

Did not the threatned Vengeance bend his Pride?

A sullen Pause took Place. His fixed Eyes
Devour'd the Ground: as if some mighty Thought
Labour'd within him; and to secret Council
Call'd inward ev'ry Pow'r; that for a while
Each idle Sense stood vacant.

What ensu'd?
That Pause from Rage did, sure, bespeak Consent.

It did. Yet with evading Speech he answer'd,
Cannot thy General wait some happier Hour,


When Time hath heal'd her Woes?—On that, I told him,
Unconquerable Passion swell'd thy Breast;
He might as soon controul the Tides, impell'd
By yon fair Planet's Influence.—

Aye: tho' Storms,
And raging Seas conspir'd with ev'ry Orb,
To drown the lofty Shore!

Such was my Hint.—
He said, the burning Blush wou'd stain his Cheek,
Shou'd the surrounding Guard that led him to her,
Witness his Shame: I gave him fix'd Assurance,
That my Command shou'd keep the Guard at Distance:
While he, admitted to her lonely Tent,
Unheard shou'd plead his Life, and Gothmund's Love.
On this, he gave Consent.—

Then haste thee, Harold.
Bid Goodwin lead the Captive to his Wife:
See him recall'd: That done, draw off thy Guard
To a more distant Station from her Tent.
For ere the Noon of Night, on Passion's Wing
I'll fly, to celebrate the Rites of Love.
Yet wear a watchful Eye, intent tho' distant:
Haply, he means to wile her from our Camp.

My Life shall answer it.—

At length she's mine.
Deceit hath colour'd o'er my bold Attempt.
Now, fiery Athelstan, go curse thy Folly:
Rave to the Winds and Seas, and rend the Air
With twice their Clamour!—Farewel, valiant Harold:
Speed my Resolve: I'll to my inner Tent.
[Exit Gothmund.


Now, Vengeance, thou art mine!—Unthankful Gothmund!
To pay my honest and deep-printed Scars
With vile Neglect!—Go, headlong Fool of Passion!
Whose flattering Whisper cou'd alone infuse
This Dream of Hope, that Egbert e'er shall stoop
To gather Life from Shame!—Yes, he shall go:
Yet not to mould her into vile Compliance,
But arm her fainting Virtue with new Strength,
Equal to this dread Conflict.—Yet, lest Fear,
Or Woman's Weakness sink beneath the Trial,
A better Hope remains:—Mercia's brave Duke:—
Yes, injur'd Athelstan! Thy Arm shall be
The dark and fearless Minister of Fate;
And give me deep Revenge.
[Exit Harold.