University of Virginia Library

Scena Prima.

Enter Ovid, Philocles, and Caralinda.
I am amaz'd much, and afflicted more,
With the sad newes you have imparred to us.

All my Entreaties could not win him thence:
And therefore missing him too long from home,
And knowing upon what design he staid,
I did enquire of Armelina; who
Made me the sad Relation you have heard.
Oh brave Pyrontus! I lament thy Fate;
That hast in love prov'd so unfortunate.

It is so sad a story you have made us,
That it draws teares from my eyes. Though was
A stranger to their Persons, my weak sex
Allows me liberty to weep. A man
Would not be tax'd of Softness, to relent
At so deplorable an History.

Madam! I am so far from blaming you,
For gracing with your tears their Cruell Fates,
That my heart chides mine own eyes for not melting.
Hell never plotted a worse Tragedy.
Nor ever did so great a Lover find,


So merciless a death as Lord Pyrontus:
Neither did ever Virtue and Beauty meet
So hideous a Treatment as Clorina.

Have you their Bodies seen, since they were dead?
Oh Philocles! If you those woefull objects
Have look'd upon, you have beheld a sight
More sad than ever Tomos was accus'd for.

Alas! I brought the Heart, and mangled Body
Of my dear Friend Pyrontus, to his house.
And did attend the Corse of fair Clorina,
To Armelina's Pallas: where alas!
No April shower ever fell so sweetly,
As she doth weep over her Sister.

A word with you dear Cozen Ovid! My eyes
Are bigg with tears, and my poor heart is loaden
With Grief. A thousand showers cannot drain them.
And Time wants years enough to wear away
The Sense, and Memory of this woefull day.

I must beseech you to have patience.

I have too much, dear Ovid! Much too much:
But I will all the Fortitude collect
That my poor heart is capable of, and shall
Suppress all signs exterior of a Grief.


You know the Fortune which Trasullus told me.
I find, it now points at me; And will therefore
Go walk abroad. You are acquainted well
With Philocles. I'le leave you with him.

I will attend upon you.

By no means
You are old and sickly; And I will not be
So troublesome.

You shall not go alone.
Good Philocles, My Cosin Caralinda
Is something undispos'd, and hath a mind
To take the Air abroad; You will obliege me
To bear her Company. She is a stranger
Which is the cause I crave the trouble from you

The Noble Ovid may command me any thing.
But you conferre much Grace on me, to give
Me leave to wait upon a Gallant Lady,
Of so surpassing Excellencies.

You complement (Sir) with me

Hereafter you may like better of her Company,
When you are more acquainted with her.
Beware I pray you what you do; Take heed
Speaks to Caralinda aside.
You give not too much Credit to Predictions.


Take heed your vengeance be not rash; Beware
You bring not ruine on your Flourishing Youth.

I will not play the Amazon, believe it
And so (best Poet) for a while Farewell.

Your servant, generous Ovid!

Sir, I'm yours,
Exeunt Caralinda, and Philocles.
O Love, and Jealousy! What mighty power
You, mighty passions, have ore humany hearts?
How you too often joyn within one breast,
And joyes that would aspire keep low supprest!
To be enamour'd on a beautifull object;
As naturall to us is, as t'eat, and drink:
But to suspect whom we affect's, a Crime
Declares a guiltiness within one's self;
A want of Merit. Then a wise man should
Make himself worthy of his Mistriss Love,
Or never prosecute his amorous suit.
A discreet Lover in a beautious Out-side
Expects a mind adorn'd with all the virtues;
And holds it an Impiety to think,
So rich a soul can ever stoope to vice.
Therefore the Lover that is rightly bred,
Admits no Jealous thoughts into his head.
I wish Bassanes had prov'd such, then he
Might have enjoy'd an happy Life on earth:
Too passionate Pyrontus then had liv'd,
And (in some time) might have overcome himself:


The admirable and innocent Clorina
Had been alive; This Tragedy had never
Been acted here, which will be famous ever.
