University of Virginia Library

Scena quinta.

Enter Iaques solus.

I have a Licence for my Lady, & the brave gallant
Master Lorece, But it cost too much a conscience,


I wood a writ five times as much for halfe I gave
for it: But t'is the fashion among great ones, so
they have their wills they care not at how dear
a rate they buy them. This marriage is like
Christmas, when it comes it brings good cheer
with't, we have fat Venison, hold belly hold:
and wine I am sure we shall want none, for the
Vintner had twenty pounds on me this morning.
I ha bespoke a merry company of Fidlers;
O they are boon fellows! and there will be old
dancing, for I mean to sweat my doublet quite
through ere I leave.

Enter Lorece and Vandona.

Madam, her'es the License your Worships sent me
for, the Parson and this will make all sure.


Tis well done Iaques, for this, be thou the
Neptune of the Cellar, raise a tempest, and drown
whoever doth go down the staires;

Like old Silenus behave thy self.


When we have din'd, lets go to my Lord Polidacres,
and invite that house.


We will (my dear Widow.)


Twill be a merry time I see.

Exeunt Omnes.