University of Virginia Library



When o'er the land rebellion rolls—
The land of love that owns our sway—
When tumult canopies our souls,
Like vapour that conceals the day,
My strength is this,—to you and me
Will come a Year of Jubilee.
Then shall our thoughts be freed from sin
And all our felon fancies shriven,
The harvest shall be gathered in,
The folk be fed, the foe forgiven,
When full of grace to you and me
Returns our Year of Jubilee.


For so to each true-wedded sprite
A fairer pleasure comes of pain,
When mutual love renews delight,
Transforming harm to health again:
Such hope is ours,—for you and me
Comes back a Year of Jubilee.
And therefore let us scorn the lore
Of rogues who would revile the power
Of love, that makes us more and more
The heirs of things beyond the hour,
Where still is stored for you and me
Another Year of Jubilee.