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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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“Truly, this was the Son of God.”—Matt. xxvii. 54.

Innocent blood I basely have betrayed,”
Exclaimed the wretched Traitor, conscience-stung,
As on the temple's marble court he flung
The accursed silver by the murderers paid.
“I find no fault in him,” the Roman said:
“What evil hath he done?” But still among
The tutored faction, “Crucify him!” rung.”
So Pilate called for water; and he laid
On them the crime, as with washed hands he stood,
Proclaiming, “I am guiltless of His blood.”
And, as He hung beneath the darkened sun,
The trembling soldier owned the murderous deed:—
A threefold witness—thus they all agreed:—
“Truly this was the Christ, the Righteous One.”