University of Virginia Library



Long tempest-tost on stormy hopes and fears,
The wandering billows of this sea of years—
I seek the haven of that hour of tears,—
That hour of rushing anguish, that possessed
The springs of life deep hidden in my breast,
And freed their flood of yearning long repressed.
O hour of blessing—for a moment's space
God in His endless mercy gave me grace
To rest my eyes on His unclouded face.
On depths of gold intolerably bright—
Till the fierce anguish of my blinded sight,
Measured the dread intensity of light.
But now I know, for years have past between,
The light that scorched me then was calm, serene
As midnight waters in the moonlight sheen.


And in the memory of that bitter day,
For me who wander on life's stormy way,
There lies a land-locked and unrippled bay—
Where the strained canvas finds a brief release:
The wind drops down: the rushing billows cease:
And on the bosom of eternal peace
I sleep awhile—till once again I glide
Before a kinder breeze, and wander wide
O'er the grey wastes of the unquiet tide.