University of Virginia Library



Where is the Talent that I lodged with Thee?
Lord, I have saved it all.
What the enlargement thou hast brought to Me?
Lord, it is very small.
How comes it that thou hast not spent
Thy heart and soul to supplement
In fitting measure what was lent?
Most of my days were full of piercing dread.
Christ taught thee not to cower.
Many came often, asking me for bread.
I sent thee heavenly flour.
These shoulders and these hands were sore;
Thus, thinking I could do no more,
I failed to make the Talent four.
How if thy Saviour had not worked in loss?
Lord, I confess the wrong.
How if thy Saviour had refused the Cross?
Thy question makes me strong.


Be sure that I have seen thy ways,
As I have heard thy frozen praise
And counted thy destructive days.
Since I can hear the quiet breath of prayer,
Which comes from Earth, to tell,
More than thou dreamest, of the living care
Of those that love thee well,
Once more receive the Talent. Let it be
An urgent signalling to thee
That sloth and coldness anger Me.
Trust me to work, however dark the road.
My lamp is filled and lit.
Tenderly put Thy hand upon the load.
I steady thee and it.
If heart and spirit swear to bow
Beneath My will, and hold the vow,
Thy Talent trebles even now.