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Poems on several occasions

By William Broome ... The second edition, With large Alterations and Additions

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TO A Lady of Thirty.
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TO A Lady of Thirty.


No more let Youth its Beauty boast,
S---n at Thirty reigns a Toast:
And like the Sun as he declines,
More mildly, but more sweetly shines.


The Hand of Time alone disarms
Her Face, of its superfluous Charms:
But adds, for every Grace resign'd,
A thousand to adorn her Mind.



Youth was her too inflaming Time;
This, her more habitable Clime;
How must she then each Heart engage,
Who blooms like Youth, is wise like Age?


Thus the rich Orange-trees produce
At once both Ornament, and Use:
Here op'ning Blossoms we behold,
There fragrant Orbs of ripen'd Gold.