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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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The fourth Part.
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4. The fourth Part.

Our hearts the praises must express
Of Juda's glorious Lion;
The sweet and fragrant Flower of Jess
The blessed King of Zion.
To him that on the Throne doth sit,
Oh 'tis his praise alone


That we will sing: O it is fit
We praise the holy One.
Our hearts and tongues should all rejoyce
(Angels in consort sing)
Aloud with a melodious voice,
Praise ye our glorious King;
Whose Head is whiter than the Snow
That's driven with the Wind;
Whose Visage like a flame doth show,
And doth all things confin'd.
And yet he unconfined is,
Magnifie him alone;
What Lover is there like to this,
Sing praise to th'holy One.
Let's raise his Name who hath reveal'd
His sweet eternal love;
Who by his stripes our Souls hath heal'd,
Now is enthron'd above.
Let trumps of praise ascend on high,
Let them be loudly blown;
So that an Eccho pierce the skie
Of praise to th'Three in One.