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A Journey to Hell

or, A Visit paid to the Devil. A poem. The Second Edition [by Edward Ward]

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In close Cabals they wicked Plots contriv'd,
And ev'ry old rebellious Fewd reviv'd.
The good old Laws they slyly undermin'd,
And step by step for Pow'r supream design'd;
Labour'd the Church establish'd to subdue;
But, to conceal their Plots from common view,
Did Reformation to the Crowd pretend,
To draw them in to work their wicked End;
But whilst their secret Ills in Embrio lay,
Advancing to Perfection day by day,
To improve their Projects and conceal their aim,
They made the Pope and Devil bear the blame;
Their Plots they hid, by some sham Popish blind,
That broke and vanish'd into Smoke and Wind,
And in the Mist they manag'd what themselves design'd.
So cunning Divers oft cry out aloud,
Beware your Pockets, to amuse the Crowd,
That by such Cautions they may pass as Friends,
And creep the closer to effect their Ends.