University of Virginia Library

Back to thy Source I trace thy silver Train,
That gently winds through many a fertile Plain;
Where Flocks and lowing Herds in Plenty feed;
And Shepherds tune at ease the vocal Reed:
Ere yet thy Waters meet the briny Tide,
And freighted Vessels down thy Channel ride;
Ere yet thy Billows leave their Banks behind,
Swell into State, and foam before the Wind:
Thy Sovereign's Emblem! In thy Course compleat!
When I behold Him in his lov'd Retreat,
When Rural Scenes their pleasing Views disclose,
A Silvan Deity the Monarch shows;
As if He only knew the Woods to grace,
To rouze the Stag, and animate the Chace:
While every Hour, from Thence, his high Commands,
By speedy Winds convey'd to various Lands,
Controul Affairs; give weighty Councils Birth;
And sway the mighty Rulers of the Earth.