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The London-Spy Compleat In Eighteen Parts

By the Author of the Trip to Jamaica [i.e. Edward Ward]

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[Sure Art and Nature, no where else can show]
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[Sure Art and Nature, no where else can show]

Sure Art and Nature, no where else can show
A Park where Trees in such true order grow.
In silver Streams the gentle Isis here
No Banks o'er flowes, yet proudly swells so near,
That makes the pleasing Cup just brimming full appear
Jn Summers longest days, when Phebus takes
A Pride to pierce the thickest Shades and Brakes,
May Beauties walk beneath a Verdent Skreen,
Exempt from Dust, and by the Sun unseen:
So thick of Leaves each Plant, so green the Gráss,
Sure Mortal never view'd a sweeter place.
Prevailing Ladies meet in Lovely Swarms,
And bless each day its Umbrage with their Charms.
Rev'rence the Stuarts Name for this hera'ter:
King James the First Clubb'd Wood, his Grandson Charles found Water.