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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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'Twas she indeed; for, rus'ling Noise o'reheard
Through shaken Leaves, conjoined Hem had scar'd;
Thick Trees behind; no Men approaching there
(But one i'th' House) imploi'd Maid-servants were.
Thus then (sad Virgin-thoughts) it seem'd a Stranger,
Slunk into th' Grove unmark'd; some Lustful Ranger
Might naked view, watch closely at Door withal;
When she forsook the Fount surprize, enthral;
Door left unlock'd by chance, remember'd then:
She long'd therefore till 'twas made fast agen
So, hurl'd to th'bank; Smock on, silk Petticoat,
Short upper Robe, fine Mantle near forgot,
To th' entrance strait she ran, where (much more bold)
Might lock the Door, or Persons face behold:
But then hard Task increas'd Clermanthe's doubt,
Door opening from the Green, Key left without.