University of Virginia Library



On the Duke of Cumberland's Victory at Culloden, in the Year 1746.

As his worm-eaten volumes old Time tumbled o'er,
To review the great actions that happen'd of yore;
When the names of young Ammon and Cæsar he saw,
He to one oppos'd Churchill—to th' other Nassau;
Then said, with a sigh, “What! has Britain no friend?
“With these must her long race of Heroes have end?”
When strait a loud blast on her Trumpet Fame blew,
Which so long had been silent, the sound he scarce knew;
But soon in his sight the swift Goddess appear'd,
And, half out of breath, cry'd—“News, News! have you heard?—
“I yet have one Hero to add to your store,
“Brave William has conquer'd—Rebellion's no more.”
Well pleas'd, in his annals Time set down the name,
Made the record authentic,—and gave it to Fame.