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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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SONG XXVII. The Tyranny of Love.
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SONG XXVII. The Tyranny of Love.


Not tho' I know she melting lies
Prest in my Rival's Arms,
Cou'd e'er disswade my longing Eyes
From gazing on her Charms.


Tell me ye Powers that rule our Fate,
Why are we made so vain?
Why am I doom'd to wish for that
Which 'twere a Curse to gain?


She's faithless yet I still adore;
Ev'n Reason I despise;
And find no Men in Sense so poor
As those that think they're wise.


O shun, they cry, the fatal Flame!
Yet when the Nymph they see,
They neither care for Wit or Fame,
But perish pleas'd like me.