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[XXV. A salutacioun to vre lady.]
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[XXV. A salutacioun to vre lady.]

Mayden, Modur, and comely Qween,
Þat art in heuene and euer schal ben,
Euere beo þou blessed,
ffor þow sendes me help and grace,
Whon I was in a place
Þer Deth was to me dressed.
Mi lyf I wende me hedde forsaken,
And drery deþ to me taken,
To make wiþ him to wone:
Wiþ my tonge, als I couþe,
I Criȝede, “Ladi, help me nouþe,
Þow prey to þi swete sone!”
Þi grace com to me þat day
In to a Castel þer I lay,
Men seide I was but ded;
Ihesu, þat þou louedest dere,
Com to me þorwh þi preyere
In þe fourme of bred.
Marie, of ioye þou berest þe pris,
ffor þou art ȝate of paradis,
Þer Ioye is Murie and long.
ffeire Modur and Mayden swete,
Wiþ fyue Ioyes I þe grete,
Ladi, here my song. Aue Maria.
Heil beo þow, Marie Modur of crist,
Þat Conceyuedest him al wyth lyst,
Ihesu þat was so mylde;
He liht in to þe, soþ hit was,
As dude þe Sonne þorwh þe Glas,
And so þow wex wiþ chylde. Aue M.
Heyl Marie, of Maydens þe flour,
Þow beer Ihesu, vr sauiour,
Wiþ-outen eny peyne.
ffeir hit was, þat ilke burþe,
Þat in his ȝouþe made murþe
Wiþ þi pappes tweyne! Aue.


Heil Mayden, þat euer-more
Schalt beo Qween, and hast ben ȝore,
In heuene and in eorþe.
Þeos ben foure of power most:
ffadur, and Sone, and holygost,
And þou, Ladi, þe feorþe. Aue.
Heil gracious qween Mari,
To þe vs neodeþ calle and cri
Whon we ben sori and syke.
Heil hele in halle and boure;
Þou louest men þat þe honoure,
Þi loue is euere i-like. Aue.
Heil, sone boote þer bale is neih;
Þauh þi wonynge beo an heih,
Þou herknest to vs at nede.
Heil rest to weri bones;
Whon I was stoned wiþ harde stones,
Þow halp wiþ-outen mede. Aue.
Heil, to al Angeles Ioye and blis,
Þow art Qwen þer, I wot, I-wis,
Witnes of vr Bokes.
Heil witti and wys of werkes,
Þou drawest boþe prestes and Clerkes
Out of þe fendes hokes. Aue.
Heil fendes fo, feirest of alle!
Þi Bed was In an Asse stalle
Whon þi sone was Born.
Heil weddet wyf and Mayden eke,
Of þe þis holy prophetes speeke
An hundred ȝer bi-forn. Aue.
Heil mihtiest of Middel-ert,
Of þe þe fendes ben a-ferd
And douten þe ful sore.
Heil cumfort of Careful wyues;
When þei ben ferd of heore lyues,
Þou helpest hem euer-more. Aue.
Heil chyld boren In Naȝareth,
Þou beere a child þat to[c] þe deth,
As alle trewe telle.


Heil Godus Modur gentyl and good,
Þou let Adam and his blood
Out of þe pit of helle. Aue.
Heil Modur Merciabel,
He is þi sone wiþ-outen fabel
Þat alle þynge wot.
Heil Meke marie of renoun,
Þi sone haþ for vs I-leyd a-doun
His herte-blood al hot. Aue.
Heil Mari þat to vs hiȝes!
Þi Modur bar þreo Maries—
So feire hire beo-tydde;
On was Marie Iacobe,
And þat oþur Cleophe,
And þou, ladi, þe þridde. Aue.
Heil Marie, wiþ most honour
Corouned qween in heuene-tour
Bi-fore þy sones face;
To alle neodful þou art couþ,
Wel art þou cald wiþ Angeles Mouth,
“Marie ful of grace.” Aue.
“Heil Marie ful of grace,
Heil beo þou in vche a place,
ffor god is laft wiþ þe.”
In heuene and eorþe þou beo honoured,
ffor my lyf þou hast socoured
And drawen deþ from me. Aue.
Heil feirest of alle floures,
A-postles, Martires an Confessoures
Þe for ladi calle;
Heil brihtor þen þe sonne-beem,
Þou beere Ihesu In Bedlehem,
Wiþ Blood þat bouht vs alle. Aue.
Heil feirest of alle landes,
To god þou hef vp þyn handes
Whon Gabriel þe grette.
Heil clerore þen þe Cristal-ston,
Þou art in heuene, Blood and Bon,
ffor þer þi sone þe sette. Aue.


Heyl Marie, Blessed kidde,
A feir grace þe beo-tidde—
Þi peere is nouhwher leued:
God him-self þi bodi chees,
To sitte wiþ him on his dees
And bere Coroune on heued. Aue.
Heil Marie as briht as day,
Goddus sone wiþ-Inne þe lay
His Burth to a-byde.
Whon he was two and þritti ȝeer old,
He fauht for men as kempe bold,
And baar ful blodi syde. Aue.
Heil Marie, þat art ay boun
To kepe us from temptacion
Of þe fendes Blake;
Heil riche Qween of vche a toun,
Þi sone haþ soffred passioun
ffor al Monkynde sake. Aue.
Heil briht Braunche of Rose rote,
Of þe sprong a sauour swote
Þat sauereþ ay so swete.
Heil Modur of al-holy Chirche,
And alle þat euere wol wysly worche,
I rede þat heo þe grete. Aue.
Heil Ioachyms Ioyful seed,
Þou sayh whon Laȝarus was ded
ffoure dayes and More;
Bi-fore Martha and Magdeleyn
Ihesu called him to lyue a-ȝeyn
And for him rewed sore. Aue.
Heil Marie, Mayden sleihe,
Mony goode dedes þou seiȝe
Of þulke þat Ihesu wrouhte:
A Mon was ded and lay on Bere,
His Moodur wiþ ful reuþful chere
Grace at Ihesu souhte; Aue.
Heil Marie, of gret pite,
Ihesu for þe loue of þe
Made þat wommon bliþe:


To þe Bere he put his honde
And bad þe Cors anon vp stonde;
To lyue hit ros als-swiþe. Aue.
Heil Mayden, heil þou,
Alle þi Ioyes I may not nou
In my song telle;
Is mony an hundred ȝer a-gone
Þou hast ben, ladi, queen þyn one
Of heuene, Erþe and helle. Aue.
Holy Mayden, wel þe be,
Þat was at þe feste of Galyle,
Þer was wanted wyn:
Þi sone comaundet men in halle
Wiþ watur fulle heor vessels alle
By-fore Architriclyn; Aue.
Heil Marie, þat sauh al þat:
Whon Ihesu on þi Barm sat
And blessed hit wiþ his honde,
Al þe watur þat þer was brouht
By-com red wyn al vn-souht,
Þer nis no beter in londe. Aue.
Heil semlokest vndur sonne,
Þorwh þe was a werk by-gonne
By-twene God and Mon;
Blessed beo þou of alle wymmen,
And þe fruyt of þi wombe, Amen,
Þat such a werk bi-gon. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þyn holy nome,
Þat schilde[s] vs from synne and schome,
And Makes þe fend vnglad;
Þer þat nempned is Mari,
Þe fendes by-gynnen a-wei to fly
And diȝeþ neih for drad. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þyn heued aboue,
Þer god hath schewed his moste loue
On heih riht in his halle:
Þe Coroune of heuene þer-on is set,
Wiþ alle þe Angeles þou art gret
As ladi of hem alle. Aue.


Blessed beo, ladi, þat witti Brayn:
Þou hast maad þe fend vn-fayn
Þat deope in helle sit;
Monnes soules þat weore lost,
Þou beer a child on þi Coste
ffro helle-pyne haþ hem quit. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þat holy frount,
Þat holy is holden and sount,
Þe cheef of al þi face;
Þer-in is set a bond of wit,
Vndur þe croune comly knit
Wiþ a louely lace. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi Brouwes bent:
A feir grace God haþ þe sent,
Þi lookyng is louely ay.
Ladi, for þi louesum chere
Prey þi sone, þat we mowe here
Serue him to pay! Aue.
Blessed be, ladi, þy Riht Ere:
Þe holygost, he liht in þere
fflesch and Blod to take;
God sende his sone adoun,
To soffre pine and passioun
And faiht wiþ þe Drake. Aue.
Blessed beo, Ladi, þyn oþur Ere,
ffor hit herknes ay-where
To Men þat haue to done;
Þyn Ere is open at vre callyng:
Whon we preye for eny þing,
Vr erende comeþ sone. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, boþe þyn Eiȝen,
Þat þreo kynges offringes seȝen
Þat kneled þe by-fforen.
Þou seost euer-more I-lyche
Ioye and Blisse in heuene-riche—
To godur hele þou weore boren! Aue.
Blessed be, ladi, a-mong þi wittes
Þi ffeire Neose, þat comely sittes
Amidde þi frount bi-neþen.


Ladi, for þe loue of Anastas
Let vs seo þi feire ffaas,
Whon we wenden heþen! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, boþe þi chekes:
Merci for vs to him þou sekes
Þat þe for Modur Ches.
Ladi, as þou art Modur mylde,
ffrom worldus schome þou me schylde,
And gete vs grith and pes! Aue.
Ladi, I-blessed beo þi Mouth:
Whon God þe sende in to þe south
Þe Aungel Gabriel,
Þow onswerdest Mekelych and sayde,
“I am heer Godus hond-Mayde”—
Þis word is in gospel. Aue.
Blessed be, lady, þi trewe tonge:
A-Mong wymmen olde and ȝonge
Þat euerȝite han ben,
So treowe I-founden was neuer non;
ffor-þi þou art in Blod and Bon
Corouned heuene-Qween. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi Chin I-chose:
þer-on schal neuer mon lose
To blesse hit niht and day;
Hit schal reue him serwe and synne,
And make him in his lyf to wynne
Þe Ioye þat lasteþ ay. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi brihte neb-schaft—
Of kuynde he couþe ful wel his craft
Þat hit hedde entayled!
Þe teres ron doun of floode
Whon þou seȝe þi sone on Roode,
ffeet and hondes nayled. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi white sweere:
Ihesu, þat þou louest deere,
Clupped hit ofte a-boute.
Whose wol his synne forsake
And of þat cluppyng Ioye make,
Hym þar no deueles doute. Aue.


Blessed beo, lady, þi clere þrote:
At neode euere þou dost vs note
Whon Bale vs haþ I-bounde.
Ladi, þou neuere woldest ȝelpe,
Prey þi sone þat he vs helpe
ffor his Blessede wounde! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi scholdres two,
And þi cleer Canel-bonus also
Þat semely ben in siht:
As kyng, kniht or Champioun
ffor Men þou art redi-Boun
Wiþ þe fend to fiht. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þyn Armes tweyne:
In vche a gederyng þou art gayne
To helpen vs at nede;
Vr wo þou tornest to weole,
And sauest vs from wreches fele—
Blessed beo þou to Mede! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, boþe þin hondes,
Þat swaþeled him in swaþelyng-bondes
Þat Monnes soule haþ wrouht,
Heuene and helle and alle londes,
ffisch and ffoul, Séé and Sondes,
Al he maade of nouht. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, and feyre hem falle,
Þi þhommes and þi ffyngres alle
Þat genteliche are Maket,
On eiþer hond wiþ ffyngres fyue;
Þow þat hondelet him on lyue
Þat helle-fuir has slaket. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi brihte Brest:
Ihesu tok þer-in Rest,
Mon of miht most.
Was neuer non so clene of lyf
As þow weore, boþe Mayden and wyf,
To Resseyue þe holygost. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi stable herte:
Whon þou seȝe þi sone smerte,
Gret Care þou keptest;


Whon þou sauh him Buffet and beten,
Al his bodi of blood by-weten,
No wondur þauh þou weptest. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi brihte wombe:
Þer-in was þe holy Lombe
Þat bouht Adam and Eue,
And þe þridde day also blyue
He ros vp fro deþ to lyue—
Such is vre bi-leeue. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi softe sydes,
In Ioye and blis þou vs abydes,
Þer þou schalt beo founden;
Þi sone vs bouhte wiþ Raunsoun
And drouh vs out of dungoun,
Þer Lucifer liht i-boundun. Aue.
Blessed be, ladi, þi feire Bak,
And þi leendes wiþ-outen lak,
Þat dwellen ay in Blis.
Ladi, for þi muchel honour
Þin holy help and þy socour
Let vs neuere mis! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þy Maydenhede:
Neuer was in þe sowen sede
As of wommon-kynde;
ffor-þi þou art coround Qween
Of alle wymmen þat han I-ben
Or euer schal Mon fynde. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi boþe þhiȝes,
To help vs ay þat hiȝes
ffrom þe vn-hold honde.
Ladi, to þi sone vs dresse,
And preye hym þat he vs blesse
And mayntyme in sonde! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi comely knen,
Þat for vs alle kneolynge ben
Boþe niht and day.
Hit is but on vs I-long,
Wheþer we worche ille or wrong,
Hou we schul haue vr pay. Aue.


Blessed [beo], ladi, alle beo-dene
Þi Schonkes and þi Schynes schene
Þat are strong and styþe;
Ofte hast þow erly and late
Don vr erende at heuene-ȝate
And Maked vs ful bliþe. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi Maydenhede,
Þyn haunches and þi feire fete,
Þat for vs trauayle.
Ladi, for þi grete grace
A-Mong þi Ioyes of a place
Let vs neuere fayle! Aue.
Blessed, ladi, beo al þi toos:
Whon þou of Childbedde a-Ros,
To þe Temple þow ȝeode,
fforte folfulle þat lawe
Þat was vsud by Olde dawe—
Symeon sauh þat dede. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, al at ones
Þi fflesch þi blod, þi skyn þi bones,
And þin Entrayles wiþ.
Ladi, for þi Muchel honour
Prey Ihesu vr sauyour,
He graunt vs pees and grith! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi grete strengþe:
Þou hast drawen my lyf on lengþe
And don an Almus werk;
Þow holdest þe fend vndur foote,
Þow geete fro his herte-Rote
Theophules lettre, þe Clerk. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi goode þewes,
Þat kepen vs from þe blake schrewes
Þat Mennes soules han craued;
Þe grete oþus þat Men han sworen
Hedde I-maad þe world for-loren,
But as þou hast hit saued. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi stable þouht:
Vre neodes for-ȝetest þou nouht,
Þow delest wiþ non hoket;


Bi-fore þe kyng þat demes riht
Þou pledest for men day and niht—
Blessed beo þat voket! Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi swetnes.
Al Monkynde more and les
To helle were þei gon,
Þei weoren alle in helle i-bounde,
Til þi Sone wiþ blodi wounde
Hed leesed hem out vchon. Aue.
Blessed beo, ladi, þi feirhede,
Menget al wiþ whit and Rede,
Wiþ brihtnes al bi-Ron.
Ladi, flour of alle londes,
Bryng him out of carful bondes
Þat hath þis song bi-gon! Aue.
Blessed ladi, Blesse I schal
Þy Lyf, þi Soule, þi Bodi al
Þat eeuene to heuene went.
As wis, ladi, beo vr frend
And schild vs from þe foule fend,
And let vs neuer be schent.
A M. E N.