Songs and other poems (1664) | ||
By I. H.
And she the said Priscilla doth maintain her
Said Action, against all that's said to stain her;
And saith this Court nor will nor can forejudge her,
For ought that's pleaded by the foresaid Roger;
But though by his said Plea, she's forc'd to tarry,
Her suit against him, yet she ought to carry;
Protesting therefore she's not such a liver,
Nor of such Fame, as the said Plea doth give her
Out for to be, but that she hath not vary'd
One jot in life from what she hath declared:
And on the said Ralphs part protesting farther,
That of the Kirk he was a Godly Father;
And of as pure and chaste a conversation,
As any Presbyter within the Nation:
And free from any lustful act committing,
With her, or any other deed unfitting:
For Replication saith, she was not knowing
Of the said Ralph but three years last foregoing:
During which time, and till the said words spoke were
By the said Roger (that almost have broke her)
She liv'd a Matrons life, chaste, grave, and thrifty,
And came unto the Age of three and fifty;
And the said Ralph all the said time, by reason
Of his much preaching in and out of season;
And of his fasting long, and longer praying,
And from his peoples not their duties paying,
In the same Ward and Parish, grew so weakly,
That of his life he did despair weekly:
That in his bed he was not able turn him;
Till that a learned Doctor of the Colledge
Who of his sickness had full perfect knowledge,
For gaining of his health did much exhort him,
To wed an honest Matron to Comfort him:
Which the said Ralph well liking, and well knowing
The honour to the said Priscilla owing,
And thinking that delayes might greatly worse him,
With Zeal, did Court her for a wife to nurse him:
And she in pity to his weak Condition,
Did condescend to be his she Physician,
And for their joynt desires better carrying,
A day by both appointed was for marrying:
But on the sudden off the same was broken
By the said Roger's words aforesaid spoken;
By means whereof, he the said Ralph, endure
Could not the said Priscilla for a Cure,
But of relief his expectations failing,
And his long sickness more and more prevailing;
In Month October, day thereof that first is,
In the Lords year that formerly exprest is;
At the said Ward, the said Ralph much in trouble,
Did dye, to's loss, possess'd of living double:
And left the said Priscilla to bemoan her,
For that no other man would after own her;
And that she truly doth reply and don't lye,
She prays may be inquired by the Country.
Songs and other poems (1664) | ||