University of Virginia Library


Psalm 82.

[The Sovĕrain Lord, whence iustice all derives]

The Sovĕrain Lord, whence iustice all derives;
Who mesurĕd powĕr to earthli Lords divides;
His Senate of his presence nevĕr deprives:
Th'immortal Iudge mongst mortal Gods resides.
Sith iudgement's his; how dare ye iustice wynd,
To scurge the good, while miscreănts favour fynd?
THE poor ye should, the weak, the orphane free,
From wicked strength stil bending to oppress:
But ignorance, (ah, not for high degree,)
And vainest thoughts your darkned mynds possess.
Thus ruled coorse of all things turn'd awry,
Makes trembling earth to heavĕns for iustice cry.
I STYL'D you Gods, who Gods earth-ruling place
As glorious sons of supreme Lord doo hold:
But dy ye shal, as men of menest race,
As foregone Princes now resolv'd to mold.
And rize, great Lord; thy iudging right resume
O're nations all, whom tyrants wrongs consume.