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The Court of Conscience or Dick Whippers Sessions

With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked, and vitious liuers in this age. By Richard West

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Beane-bellied Churle thou filthy clenchpoop clowne
Shaped like a butterfirkin ô greacy face,
Thy fame for eating ringeth through the towne,
To thy discredyt and most foule disgrace,
If all day long thou dost not eate and glut,
Thy belly thinketh that thy throat is cut.
Twenty poore men with that thou deuourest,
Would thoroughly be euery day content:
To see another eat or drinke thou lowrest,
As all the victualls in the world were spent.
When thou hast filld thy neuer-contented crop,
Downe like a dog thou fallst to catch a nap.
Being awake thou vtterst out the old,
And on a fresh begin to feed againe:
In Plutos regester thou art enrold,
As a cheife spoile-good, and a earthly bane.
To be the meane so manie people famish,
Thou stinkst before the face of God most rammish,
Vntrusse thou barrell; ô my sweet child chopper,
Welcome to schoole to me seest thou my whip:
When thou hast tasted some of my schoole butter,
Thy limmes will be so liethy thou wilt leap.
Hay, how he daunces, Pen and inke and paper,
To cronicle vp how nimbly he can caper.