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A nursery of novelties in Variety of Poetry

Planted for the delightful leisures of Nobility and Ingenuity. Composed by Tho. Jordan

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March 16. 1661. An Advent to the Kings Coronation.
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March 16. 1661. An Advent to the Kings Coronation.

Let all your hearts be fill'd with joy,
King Charles his Coronation Day
Is coming on, let every thing
That fears God and Honours the King,
Advance their spirits, and express
A Royal loyal Thankfulness:
That man that was by dangers tost
From place to place, and almost lost.
He that did 'scape an Armies stroke,
And made a Kingdom of an Oak,


The Royal ORPHANT that was fed
With sorrow, and with borrow'd bread:
He whom his Subjects would confound
And crucifie, shall now be Crown'd.
Then let all souls for such salvation.
Cry up King Charles his Coronation.