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Divine raptvres or piety in poesie

Digested Into a Queint Diversity of sacred fancies. Composed by Tho. Iordan

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A Meditation on the sound of a crackt Bell.

Harke how the Hoarsemouth'd Bell extends a tone
Into mine eares; delightfull unto none,
The Mettal's good, tis some unwelcome skar,
Some fatall cracke that makes the musicke jarre,
But what of this? although the sound be rough
Twill call me to the temple well enough:
Such are those ill-lived Teachers who confound
The sweetnesse of their soule converting sound
By flawes seene in their unbeseeming lives,
By which their heavenly calling lesser thrives:
Yet Lord, I know they're able for to bring
My Soule to heaven, though with so hoarse a ring.
But since thou dost such jarring tunes disdaine,
Melt thou this mettall, cast these bels againe.