University of Virginia Library


Satrahell, 26th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 195, fra the begining of the Kingdome 525, and Rang 4 Yeers.

King SATRAHELL when be immodrat Meens
He sought t'assure the Scepter in his Seed:
Made them his Foes that were befoir his Freens,
And great Disgrace hes gained for his Greed:
His Nobles all, this his Ambitioun haites,
So stood ill stirrde, the Kingdome and Estaites.
THIS Hate breeds Harme, and much Commotion macks,
The King commands be Furie and be Force:
Whairby the Bulwark of Obedience bracks,
And what wes well is verted into Worss:
But lo! thir Broills the Crown and Countrie herries,
And in thame too, the Prince dispatch'd dois perreis.