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The Forrest of Fancy

Wherein is conteined very prety Apothegmes, and pleasaunt histories, both in meeter and prose, Songes, Sonets, Epigrams and Epistles, of diuerse matter and in diuerse manner. With sundry other deuices, no lesse pithye then pleasaunt and profytable [by H. C.]

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Of a Souldyer who for couitousnesse of a little money, lost his owne lyfe.

When Prenest had bine long beseegde,
by enemyes strength:
With hunger and thyrst they were full sore,
opprest at length,
That many a one for lack of foode,
was forst to dye,
Amongst which sort there then was one,
did lykewise lye,
As did the rest in extreame payne,
vntill he caught,
A little Monse, which one of him,
for money bought.
A hundred pence he more esteemde,
then lyfe to saue,
Although long time the vse thereof,
he might not haue.
So couitous was this mysers mynde,
of worldly muck,
That when he might haue saude his lyfe,
such was his luck,
For loue of money he lost the same,
but was not he,
Requited with a iust rewarde,
as he should be.