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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 29. Afferte Domino.

Psalmus Davidis.


Give to the Lord, ye men of Might,
ye sonnes of Mighty race,
Give glorie to the Lord, his right;
all strength to his give place.


Give to the Lord his Names renowne
before his holy Seat:
Your selves unto the Lord bowe downe,
his beauteous honour greet.



The voice that forth on waters breakes,
it is the Lord that-bounds:
The glorious God in thunder speakes,
the Lord on seas re-sounds.


The Lord sends forth a mighty noise,
when power his power withstands:
The Lord gives out a soveraigne voice,
when Majestie commands.


When lofty Cedars broken lie,
his voice the Lord extends:
Of Lebanon the Cedars high
the Lord in sunder rends.


He makes them like a Heifer trip,
proud of his velvet hornes;
So Lebanon, so Shirion skip,
so skip young Unicornes.


The Lords voice shoots out flames of fire,
JAH'S voice the Desert shakes:


To tremble, if the Lord transpire,
the Desert Cadesh makes.


JAH'S voice makes Hinds bring forth their young,
the Forrest-brood makes bare:
And in his Temple every tongue
his glorie can declare.


The Lord sate Soveraigne, at the floud
the Lord for ever raignes;
For sinners judgement, for the good
his Mercy-seat ordaines.


Strength to his people, their strong Rocke,
the Mighty Lord will give:
The blessing he will give his flocke,
shall be in peace to live.