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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston
Grymeston, Elizabeth
To her louing sonne Bernye Grymeston.
Simon Grahame to the Authour.
CHAP. II. A mortified mans melancholy expressed in the person of Heraclitus, who alwaies wept.
CHAP. III. A Patheticall speech of the person of Diues in the torments of hell.
CHAP. IIII. Who liues most honestly, will die most willingly.
CHAP. V. Speculum vitæ. A sinners glasse.
CHAP VI. The union of Mercy and Iustice.
CHAP. VII. Ingum meum suaue.
CHAP. X. A theme to think on.
CHAP. XI. Morning Meditation, with sixteene sobs of a sorowfull spirit, which she used for ment all prayer, as also an addition of sixteene staues of uerse taken out of Peters complaint; which she usually sung and played on the winde instrument.
[A sorie wight the obiect of disgrace]
[Sad subiect of my sinne hath stor'd my minde]
[Giue vent vnto the vapors of my brest]
[For gripes in all my parts doe neuer faile]
[My guiltie eie still seemes to see my sinne]
[For lif's a maze of countlesse straying waies]
[Else weeping eies resigne your teares to me]
[Lest shame the liuery of offending mind]
[For fawning vipers, dumbe till they had wounded]
[O beames of mercy beat on sorrowes cold]
[If Dauid night by night did bathe his bed]
[Christ health of feuer'd soule, heauen of the mind]
[Latar at pities gate I vlcered lie]
[Prone lookes, crost armes, bent knee, and contrite heart]
[With mildnesse Iesu measure my offence]
[Redeeme my lapse with ransome of thy loue]
CHAP. XIII. Euening Meditation. Odes in imitation of the seuen pœnitentiall Psalmes, in seuen seuerall kinde of verse.
THE BALLAD, OR; Some Scurrilous Reflections In Verse, On the PROCEEDINGS of the Honourable HOUSE of COMMONS:
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CHAP VI. The union of Mercy and Iustice. Miscelanea
[For hope of helpe still comfort giues]
For hope of helpe still comfort giues,
While Mercy still with Iustice liues.
CHAP VI. The union of Mercy and Iustice. Miscelanea