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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Alexander Neuells Awnswere to the same.

The plūged mind in fluds of griefs
The Sences drowned quyght,
The Hart opprest. The flesh consumed
The chaūged state outright.
The Body dryed by broylyng blase,
Of preuy schorchyng Flame.
The doulfull Face. The coutnaūce sad
The drowping Courage tame.
The Scaldyng syghes. The greuous groones
The burning rage of fyre

The ernest sute, The fruitles Toyle.
The deepe and hot Desyre,
The Braynes quight brusd & crusht wt Cares.
The euer duryng soore.
The very paynes of Hell it self,
with thousande mischyefes moore,
Which wounded Harts enflamd with Loue
with Gryefe do ouerflow,
And works theyr endles plage & spight
Tyll Death from thence do growe.
All these conclude him blest (my Googe)
and trible blest agayne,
That taught bi tract of Time can take
Such fadyng Toyes for vayne.