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The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis

Translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother Pohetical diuises theretoo annexed

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AN EPITAPH ENTITVLED Commune Defunctorum, such as oure vnlearned Rythmours accustomablye make vpon thee death of euery Tom Tyler, as yf yt were a last for euerye one his foote, in which thee quantitees of syllables are not too bee heeded.

Coom toe me, you muses, and thow most chieflye, Minerua,
And ye that are dwellers in dens of darckned Auerna:
Help mye pen in wryting, a death moste soarye reciting,
Of the good old Topas, soon too thee mightye syr Atlas.
For grauitee the Cato, for wyt Mars, Bacchus, Apollo:
Scipio for warfare, for gentyl curtesye Cæsar.
A great Alexander, with a long whit neck lyke a gaunder.
In yeer's a Nestor, for wars a martial Hector,
Hannibal and Pompey, with Tristram, Gallahad, Orckney:
Hercules in coasting, a Vulcan mightelye toasting.
In wisdoom Salomon, for streingth and currag a Sampson.
For iustice Radamanthus: in equitye woorthye Lycurgus.
And not a Thersites, but he was a subtil Vlisses.
In learning Socrates, in faythful freendship Achates.
Yea, thogh he stand namelesse, hee was in prowes Achilles.


A Damon and Pythias, for gould and silver a Midas.
Noe for continuance, a learned Tullie for utt'raunce.
In travaile Ænas, for secrets trustful Iollas
And in philosopy, a Raymond, a Bacon, a Ripply,
In medicins Pæon, Galen, and most famosed Alcon,
Plinie, Dioscorides, Hipocrates, and Arafornes,
O you cursd Parcas, why kyld ye the good soon of Atlas?
And whye, withowt mercy, doe ye slea thee fayre ladye Thisbee?
A Sara for goodnesse, a greate Bellona for hudgnesse.
For myldnesse Anna, for chastitye godlye Susanna.
Hester in a good shift, a Iudith stout at a dead lift.
Also Iulietta, with Dido, rich Cleopatra.
With sundry namelesse, and woomen more manye blamelesse.
Is not he wel garded, thee wooman richlye rewarded?