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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Therfore shall all those, that such Works do frame/
Fynde nothing els but Discord, and Uaryance, therby:
For wheare the Cogitacions, themselues do apply,
Gods Commander[illeg.] with Knowledg; to examin or search-out
Theare becoms the Concord, cleane worne-awaye, no-dout:
For eueryone theare, doth seeke his owne Liberty.
But through Mee [Trueth] shalbe

Gen. 3.b.

troden downe vtterly,

The Head of the Searcher, with his Deedes most vnfitt.
But if the Cogitacions, wil not herself submytt,
To the same Grace, with all her Might and Power/
So shal-ther then be founde,

Gen. 6.b. Esa. 30.b. Ier. 7.c 18.b. 4. Esd. 3.a.

in the Thoughts eury Hower.

Such Fruits as Good-thinking, doth yeeld and still Deuyse.
Playne-and-iuste shall bewayle it, in most lamenting wyse.
For he shalbe distressed and ouer lorded quyt:
And shalle ; by the Thoughts; be turned from the Right/
As also ; mi[illeg.]h Wofulnes; lye wrooting in Self will.
All Contrarynes likewyse, shall meete with him still/
Till that he

Gen. 3.b. Deu. 31.b.

com agayne, vnto such a pas,


Euen Playne

Math. 8. Mar. 10.m. Gen. 3.c.

and Iust, as heertofore he was.

Now therfore get ye

Gen. 3.c.

hence, with all your trembling cheere/

Ye may in no wyse liue, in any High-mynde heere:
For God only is high, yea, the Highest of Exaltacion.
Also heere may not be, any Wayling nor

Esa. 65.b. Apoc. 21.a.


Therfore ye must abrode, into the Uale of Teares and Wo:
And Theare shall you fynde, in euery Path ye go/
Your Adherents and Companyons, to you agreeing best.
The Place is from you shutt,

Math. 25. Apo. 21.

of Ioye and quyet Rest/

With diuers-kinde of Snarings, and Perplexitee of Hart/
With Feare, and much Anguish,

Gen. 3.b. Deu. 31.b.

full of greeuous-smart/

With also the Accusation, of your Disobedience:
All which ; for your Inconstancie; is the iust Recompence.