University of Virginia Library



Oh I shall ne'er forget the spot
Where smiles of joy were wont to greet me,
Where ardent hearts dissembled not,
But bounded with delight to meet me.
Though rugged winter held his sway,
And all without was cold and dreary,
Yet, warmed by beauty's melting ray,
I thought the season bright and cheery.
But doomed, alas! too soon to part,
And wander far from love and beauty,
I felt a winter in my heart,
And cheerless seemed the path of duty.
I dragged along the heavy way
A lengthened chain that make me weary,
While Hope refused one glimmering ray
To light a scene so dark and dreary.
But see! at length stern winter flies,
A brighter season glows before me,
The summer radiance of those eyes
Shall yet to life and joy restore me.


Till then, let retrospection feed
The flame which smiling hope should cherish,
For, oh! how this poor heart would bleed,
Should thine permit that flame to perish.