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UPON The elaborate Survey of New-Englands Passions from the NATIVES
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UPON The elaborate Survey of New-Englands Passions from the NATIVES

By the impartial Pen of that worthy Divine Mr. WILLIAM HUBBARD.

A Countreys Thanks with Garlands ready lye
To wreathe the Brows of your Divinity
Renowned Sir: to write the Churches Warre
In ancient times fell to the Prophets share
New-Englands Chronicles are to be had
From Nathans Pen, or Manuscript of Gad.
Purchase wrote much, Hacluyt traversed farr,
Smith and Dutch John de Laet famous are,
Martyr, with learn'd Acosta thousands too,
Here's noveltyes and stile which all out-doe,
Wrote by exacter hand then ever took
Historians Pen since Europe wee forsooke.
I took your Muse for old Columbus Ghost,
Who scrapt acquaintance with this western Coast,
But in converse some pages I might find
Then all Columbus Gemms a brighter mind.
Former Adventures did at best beguile
About these Natives Rise (obscure as Nile)
Their grand Apostle writes of their return;
Williams their Language; Hubbard how they burn,
Rob, kill and Roast, lead Captive, flay, blaspheme;
Of English valour too he makes his Theme,
Whose tragical account may Christned be
New-Englands Travels through the bloudy Sea.
Drake gat renown by creeping round the old;
To treat of this New World our Author's bold.
Names uncouth which ne'r Minshew could reduce
By's Polyglotton to the vulgar use.
Unheard of places like some New-Atlantis,
Before in fancy only, now Newlandis:
New found and subtle Stratagems of Warre,
We can quaint Elton and brave Barriffe spare:
New Discipline and Charges of Command
Are cloath'd in Indian by this English hand.
Moxon who drew two Globes, or whosoere


Must make a third, or else the old ones tear,
To find a Roome for thy new Map by which
Thy friends and Country all thou dost enrich.
Gratitudinis ergò apposuit B. T.