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I love when all the world is still
At midnight's solemn, silent hour,
When retrospection's magic thrill
Steals o'er the soul with matchless power—
I love to linger o'er the days
Of halcyon childhood, swiftly gone!
When to my heart this “thorny maze”
Seemed but a world of joy alone.
Then memory fondly brings again
The scenes she always bade me love:
The verdant slope, the waving grain,
The cool retreat in ancient grove.
And oh, a voice is in my ear—
The water-brook is sweet of song
As o'er its bed of pebbles clear
It dances merrily along.
The lowing herd I loved to tend,
The flocks that knew my infant voice.
The spring where nodding oziers bend
To shade the cooling fountain choice;
The woody hill where free of care
I heard my dog's peculiar cry,
And chased the nimble squirrel there
Till tumbled from the tree-top high.
Autumn, I love thy balmy breath
That softly fanned my glowing brow,
And sweeping o'er the nut-brown heath
I feel its grateful influence now!
When in his march chill winter hoar
With frosty crystals filled the air,
O then rich nature's garnered store
It was my happy lot to share!


And still around the evening fire
I see each in their wonted seat;
The joyous group, both son and sire,
Partaking of the bounteous treat.
Wet from the press the smoking sheet
Would aye the lengthened hours beguile
With prosing tale, some daring feat,
Or humor oft excite the smile.
O time, how stilly hast thou cast
Those early days from me apart!
But memory survives the past
To trace their shadows on my heart.
And hope's bright star shall never wane,
Nor for my aid forget to shine,
Till a kind heaven bids me again
Back to that happy home of mine.