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Did I know my French lesson at school to-day?
I won't tell a story, Mamma:
I missed a whole verb from beginning to end—
What horrid things those French verbs are!
Was I talkative? Why, to confess the truth,
I did talk a very great deal.
It makes me feel sick to be silent, you know;
My tongue 's such a perfect mill-wheel.
Did I eat any lunch out of recess? you ask.
Mamma, I'll speak truth and declare
That Emily Ludlow compelled me to take
One half of a lovely ripe pear.
Was I tardy at school? Well, a little, Mamma,
For what is the use to deceive?
The girls were through prayers when I got there, and, oh!
'T was quite half-past nine, I believe.
Did I loiter at all in my journey to school?
I see you 're beginning to frown,
But the sum of the fact of the truth of it is:—
I walked the whole way with Dick Brown.