University of Virginia Library




Sound, sound the Spartan fife;
The Persian banners wave,
And, marching to the strife,
Let music thrill the brave;
Above the clash of steel,
The shock of meeting foes,
The charger's clattering heel,
The ringing twang of bows,
A bolder strain is played,
And Persia flies dismayed.


Castile is up in arms
Against the Moor to-day;
Sword-clang and loud alarms
Announce the coming fray;
The atabal is heard,
Thrown by are light djerreeds,
And, on to conflict spurred,
Rush, Yemen's milk-white steeds:—
“Il Allah!” loud and high
Their turbaned riders cry.


Beat time upon the drum—
A brisker measure play—
Old England's warriors come
In thunder to the fray.


Their bayonets are bright,
In blood to redden soon—
Oh! cheer them to the fight
With still a bolder tune;
One shock, and all is o'er—
Crushed foes can form no more.


Ring, out, wild bugle! ring
Thy loudest, clearest note
To horse the troopers spring,
While plume and pennon float;
They charge, and fallen lie
The broken, hollow squares,
While quaver shrill and high,
Gaul's ancient battle airs;
Their music valor warms,
And nerves strong hearts and arms.


Blow, plaided piper blow
Some rousing Highland air,
For the victorious foe
Back Britain's bravest bear!
The piper louder plays,
The clans renew the fight,
And while their muskets blaze
Foes scatter wide in flight;
For how can Scotland quail
When music cheers the Gael!



Hark! ‘Hail Columbia’ wakes
A thrill in free-born breasts;
The hostile column quakes,
And shorn are nightly crests;
Where man encounters man,
And shot and shell rain fast,
Our banner in the van
Is flapping on the blast;
The earth with foemen strown—
A host is overthrown!